Here, SVT smashes the antique wooden boat


Published 16 November 2021 at 09.56

Media. Statliga Sveriges Television receives criticism after the TV giant hoisted up an old ax in a crane and then released it to be crushed to the ground as “entertainment”.

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Eksnipan has an oak hull but has a deck house in mahogany – a type of wood from the rainforest that can no longer be imported and is threatened with extinction.

Mahogany from wooden boats that are to be scrapped is now taken usually manufactured and resold with a so-called CITES certificate from the Swedish Board of Agriculture, which certifies that the wood has been imported before the ban came into force. In this way, smaller objects that require endangered types of wood for their production, such as musical instruments that should have a certain sound, can still be manufactured without harming the biological diversity.

But SVT chose to smash the wood instead.

SVT's project manager Haida Jamshidi, who is behind it all, blames in a statement to Aftonbladet that the boat was “in poor condition”.

After the fall from a height of 45 meters, the boat was and its wooden details in rubble.