tvOS 15.1 is out: now with SharePlay on the Apple TV


tvOS 15.1 Available: Here's What's New

Usually the mid-term updates of tvOS don't bring much news, but this time a feature has been introduced that comes in very handy with iOS 15.1 . In tvOS 15.1, Apple adds SharePlay, which allows you to watch movies and series and more with someone else.

SharePlay is a new feature in iOS 15.1 and is part of FaceTime. The feature allows you to watch and listen to a movie or series from Apple TV+ or music from Apple Music together with the interlocutors, provided they are also subscribed to the relevant service. And if you're at home and there's an Apple TV with tvOS 15.1 nearby, you can watch the movie or series on the big screen. Completely synchronous with your conversation partner, who will then be displayed on your iPhone via FaceTime.

In the Control Panel you will find a new button for SharePlay, with which you can activate viewing on the Apple TV. You can read more about how SharePlay works in our tip.

Download tvOS 15.1
tvOS 15.1 is only available on the Apple TV HD and Apple TV 4K (both the 2021 – as 2017 version). Not sure which Apple TV you have? Check out our article with all Apple TV models. It tells you exactly how to identify the models.

To download tvOS 15.1:

  1. On the Apple TV, go to the Settings app.
  2. Choose System, at the very bottom.
  3. Select Software Update and check if the new update can be installed.
  4. The update will be downloaded and the Apple TV will restart when the installation is complete.

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