“Do you call me a Nazi?” – Åkesson's furious response to Bolund


Published 11 October 2021 at 01.21

Domestic. It was really hot in SVT's party leader debate on Sunday night. SD leader Jimmie Åkesson then demanded to know if Per Bolund (MP) considered him a Nazi.

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It was after Bolund used the term “the blue-brown block” to describe the opposition that Jimmie Åkesson spoke.

– Per Bolund. Who is brown here, who do you think is brown? You're talking about the blue-browns, who's brown? Who is brown? Who is brown? thundered the SD leader.

Time and time again Åkesson repeated the question:

– Do you call me a Nazi? You call me a Nazi?

When the host Anders Holmberg intervened, Åkesson explained that the color “brown” in politics can only refer to Nazism.

– There is only one thing that the color brown means and they eat that you are a Nazi, he said.

Per Bolund did not answer the question directly at first, but referred to the fact that SD has roots in “Swedish Nazism”. He then stated that he “never called Jimmie Åkesson a Nazi”.