Polestar lancer? three new electric cars by 2024 and soon to go public


Polestar aims to grow decisively in the coming years thanks to the launch of three new 100% electric cars . Already next year will come the Polestar 3, a battery-powered SUV of which we already have; spoken a few times and that he will have; a price comparable to that of the Porsche Cayenne. The next year will be the turn of the Polestar 4 , an SUV Coup & eacute; smaller than the Polestar 3 that will go to compete directly with the likes of the electric Porsche Macan.

Both of these cars will be based on the SPA2 platform which is; was designed to be used by both Volvo and Polestar for their new battery-powered vehicles. Furthermore, both the Polestar 3 and Polestar 4 will most likely be offered additionally; versions with one or two electric motors. In 2024, however, it will be; the turn of the Polestar 5 . It is an electric sedan, a production version of the Polestar Precept concept car.

In the next few years, therefore, the manufacturer intends to launch a new battery-powered model every year . Thanks to the expansion of its range of cars, Polestar expects to sell 290,000 vehicles per year by 2025 . Just to give an idea of ​​the growth it wants to achieve, in 2020 the brand delivered 10,000 cars.

This growth strategy will be supported by Polestar's listing . The company, in fact, has reached an agreement to land inside the Nasdaq through a merger with a SPAC (Gores Guggenheim) that is; a company & agrave; already listed on the stock exchange and created specifically to integrate other companies to bring them to the stock exchange. Polestar & egrave; was valued at 20 billion dollars.

The financial operation will allow & agrave; the builder to get his hands on about a billion dollars that he will be able to; use him for projects. An additional $ 600 million will come from Volvo. Among the other main actions of Polestar we remember Geely. Even after the merger with SPAC, the shareholders will retain approximately 94% of the ownership; by Polestar. The merger is expected to complete within the first half. of 2022.

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