SD advertising is covered after the gay criticism


Published 5 September 2021 at 07.17

Domestic. A criticized ad from the Sweden Democrats on Åby trotting track is now removed, reports the LGBTQ site QX.

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Fria Tider reported in August about SD Gothenburg's billboard, which has the message “Only the riot left – SD 2022”.

QX now writes that the billboard “aroused strong feelings when it was set up before the newly started event Pride Racing “.

Tore Lund, vice chairman of Åby trotting club, states for the site that the sign will be covered well before the gay event.

– Our ambition is that the sign will be taken down until Pride Racing starts, as we naturally realize that it sends the wrong signals, he says.

To avoid ending up in the same situation again, Åbytravet will in the future stop all advertising for political parties.