Lucid Air Dream Edition in two versions, Performance or Range: official details


Of the Air Dream Edition , a very high-performance electric sedan produced in limited series, two versions will be produced . This was announced by Lucid Motors, after bookings in March had saturated the number of units expected by the company in a few days. With a little yellow, because & eacute; is not serious; it was never clear how many cars Lucid had planned for limited series production; some sources suggested about 500, but not even the shadow of official confirmation.

The facts, beyond numbers, tell us that it is not; more You can order a Lucid Air Dream Edition – but you can; fold back with the & quot; standard & quot; version, which will arrive; in Europe and & egrave; already a success. The company had prepared a waiting list to which you can sign up to take over reservations if someone has canceled their own. For the rest, no other official communication until a few hours ago, when Lucid announced that those who booked an Air Dream Edition will soon be asked to choose between the two planned versions .

MAIN DIFFERENCES AND AUTONOMY 169 thousand dollars In the USA. Now who is; been attracted by the project to the point of optioning one, he will be able to choose between the two versions of Air Dream Edition provided by Lucid, one devoted to performance and not surprisingly called Performance, the other, Range, aimed at maximizing autonomy, given – it must be said – that regardless of the version chosen in neither case & egrave; called to important waivers.

  • Lucid Air Dream Edition Performance will have & agrave; a powertrain aimed at maximizing speed; and acceleration from 1,111 CV , 16 more; than had previously emerged;
  • Lucid Air Dream Edition Range will contain all the optimizations of the company designed to increase efficiency and therefore autonomy; the powertrain for & ograve; will not fail certainly in power: 933 CV .

Lucid says that the autonomy of the two cars is; being certified by the relevant bodies, but while waiting for standardized values ​​to be communicated for each of the versions, Lucid has performed a mileage test in collaboration with Motor Trend that is & egrave; held between Los Angeles and San Francisco.

At the end of a 445-mile (716 km) lap, the onboard system of Lucid Air Dream Edition Performance displayed a residual mileage of 30 miles (48 km) while the Lucid Air Dream Edition Range of 72 miles (116): 764 km in total for the first, 832 km for the second .