The robot dog Spot explores the underworld – and space


Published 17 August 2021 at 14.51

Domestic. Researchers at Luleå University of Technology are developing next-generation autonomous robots – which can be used for both rescue operations and exploration of planets. In research, the new robot dog Spot plays an important role.
– We load the robot with a mission that it then performs, without a pilot or human in control, says George Nikolakopoulos, professor of robotics and artificial intelligence.

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The research team is one of the first in the world to be able to demonstrate AI-based navigation of autonomous drones in mines, which can be directly transferred to airborne exploration of planets.

Within ten years, George Nikolakopoulos believes it is entirely possible to send robots similar to Spot to Mars. The self-propelled technology – and the fact that it is possible to equip the robot dog with, among other things, a thermal camera and mini-drone – opens up for examination of caves and crevices. This is the type of environment where it is judged to be most likely to find any traces of life on the red planet.

An important purpose of the research and development of increasingly advanced autonomous drones and robots is to increase safety for humans. .

– The benefit is great in natural disasters, subway accidents, mining and other types of situations and environments where it is dangerous or difficult to send people. The technology exists but is not commercialized yet, but I do not think it is more than a couple of years away before it is used to a greater extent on earth.

Since April, the researchers have a so-called robot dog, Spot. It is made by Boston Dynamics and George Nikolakopoulos describes it as one of the most advanced robots that can go.

– There are not many universities in Europe that have access to this type of robot. We develop and add our own software to Spot, which is a very important complement to the technology we already have. We now have full equipment at the university to be able to develop autonomous assignments for different terrains and environments.

A large part of the work takes place in a rock room just five minutes away from the university area in Luleå. In the several hundred meter long tunnels – deep under walking paths and barbecue areas – the researchers program, test and refine the self-propelled technology.

– It is extremely difficult to program for completely unknown environments. Finding ways so that a robot does not fall down a precipice, go into walls and the like. That we can train in an underground environment where it is dark, cold and big is a huge advantage. The rock chamber is our field laboratory.

For planetary exploration, the charging of a robot's or drone's batteries is one of many major challenges scientists have to deal with.

– The alternatives are solar panels, or methods where you take advantage of the large temperature differences on Mars. We are constantly pushing to find solutions to the challenges we face, says George Nikolakopoulos in a mailing.