DN journalist: SD behind the shootings?


Published 7 August 2021 at 08.55

Media. Sven Gustavsson, former longtime journalist at Dagens Nyheter, believes that the Sweden Democrats are behind the shootings in Sweden. It draws attention to Samnytt.

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Gustavsson urges the moderate Member of Parliament Jan Ericson on Twitter to ask SD if it is they who are behind the shootings.

“Check with your brown poles in SD. They are certainly in control”, he also writes: “What do you know? How many of the shootings have been initiated by SD? The lies there need to create a reality that fits the one they dictated together.”

In an interview with Samnytt, the DN veteran says that SD's “worldview benefits from all these tragic shootings”.

– Who has to gain from creating chaos and unrest in society? he asks himself rhetorically.

Sven Gustavsson worked between 1995 and 2018 as a sports reporter at DN.