Supercharger, Tesla could access American public funds by opening the network


Elon Musk recently announced that it intends to open the Supercharger network at electric cars of other car manufacturers. A process which, however, will be; gradual and that should start from the American territory. The news, however sensational, no longer surprised; from time to time since Tesla's CEO had always said that he could open up the network of its charging stations if a cost-sharing agreement was found with the other automakers. All with the aim of accelerating the spread of mobility; electric.


However, this decision may be read in a & quot; different way & quot; thinking about what is happening in America. The current Biden government , in fact, is preparing an infrastructure plan that includes 7.5 billion dollars for the expansion of the charging network for electric cars. Details of how this figure would be allocated were unclear for a long time, but now the text of the bill has revealed the requirements that networks will have to meet in order to receive funding.

You can & ograve; read, among the most important points; important, that the charging infrastructure will have to be open to the public and have the ability; to be able to serve vehicles made by more & ugrave; of a builder. In other words, any infrastructure that everyone can recharge will be able to request future government funds that will be made available for charging columns. Once Tesla opens its energy supply network will be; able to apply for funding to implement new Supercharger stations.

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The initiative of Elon Musk could, therefore, also have the objective of to get to these loans that would allow Tesla to expand more & ugrave; quickly its fast charging network. A strategy that would make perfect sense given how much it costs to expand such an infrastructure, especially now that electric cars are growing rapidly in numbers. It would also go to solving the problem of the risk of supercharger saturation that some Tesla customers had raised on the news that the company & agrave; it would have made the network accessible to other cars as well.

And that Tesla can target the funds promised by governments would not even be new. Also recently, a series of news had arrived stating that the manufacturer would have opened some recharging points in Europe made through public funding to third parties.

All that remains, therefore, is to wait for the evolution of Tesla's project to understand more. For the moment, we still know few details about what it will look like. organized the opening of the network. Everything should be managed from the Tesla app and Elon Musk had talked about variable rates to push people to short recharges inside the stations.

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