Wrote “native Finns” – forced to apologize


Published July 29, 2021 at 10.21

Abroad. The Coalition Party in Finland – which corresponds to the Swedish Moderates – wrote about “native Finns” in its new integration program. Now the party regrets the use of a “wrong word choice”, reports Yle.

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It was in a press release on Friday that the Samlingspartiet wrote the following about its changed so-called integration policy:

“A distinction must be made between the social protection of immigrants and indigenous Finns (in Finnish kantasuomalainen)”.

The wording “native Finns” was also used in the integration program itself.

However, the use of the term aroused strong criticism on social media. According to Yle, Pia Kauma, who prepared the integration program, apologizes for the choice of words.

“The word 'native Finn' has been used in the integration program. to avoid misinterpretations “, Kauma writes on Twitter.

Kai Mykkänen, chairman of the Samlingspartiet's parliamentary group, also apologizes on Twitter.