Requires anti-racist grant billion


Published July 28, 2021 at 9:57 AM

Domestic. The Islamist-affiliated S-union Faith and Solidarity is now proposing an “anti-racist billion” in grants that will go to “effectively combat racism in society”.

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The “anti-racist billionaire” in earmarked money should, according to the union, “go to pay for projects in civil society that aim to fight racism in everyday life”.

“It is an investment that will pay off many times over “, writes controversial Faith and Solidarity chair Sara Kukka-Salam and vice chair Jesper Eneroth in a debate article in Göteborgsposten.

The duo claims that” report after report shows “that” racism is increasing in Sweden “and that this” complicates the aggressive, inclusive and welcoming integration policy that the Social Democrats want to pursue “.