United Kingdom, 10 times the current charging points are needed by 2030


The United Kingdom , we already know, has established that from 2030 it will no longer be possible; sell petrol and diesel cars. Hybrids, on the other hand, will be able to continue to be marketed until 2035. However, the hub of the charging infrastructure remains. True & egrave; that the government has promised investments in this sense but it may not be enough. The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) wanted to conduct a study on the charging sector to understand where the United Kingdom is and if there could be problems in view of the 2030 appointment.

According to reports, there are some parts of this market that are developing quite well. Think, for example, of recharging at shopping centers, workplaces and private car parks. However, & egrave; It was also highlighted that there are some critical issues; that could impact government plans to ban endothermic sales.

In particular, the CMA would be concerned about availability & agrave; of charging points on the highways where the competition is; limited. Furthermore, the installation of new columns by local authorities would be too slow. In addition, rural areas risk being left behind with little infrastructure due to a lack of investment. Research has also shown that for drivers the energy refueling process can & ograve; be “frustrating”, which could prevent people from switching to this new form of mobility.

The main reasons concern reliability; infrastructure and difficulties in comparing prices and paying top-ups. The UK currently has around 25,000 charging points and forecasts suggest that by 2030 it will be; this number needs to grow more & ugrave; 10 times in order to manage the amount of electric cars that will be on the road.


The Competition and Markets Authority has therefore decided to propose 4 suggestions to follow to make more & ugrave; simple refills . First of all, the recharging points must be easy to find, complete with information on operation and availability. Charging should be quick and easy, without requiring people to register. Charging costs must be clear with standard indications. Finally, all charging points must be accessible to any type of electric vehicle.

There are also indications for accelerating the spread of infrastructures . The UK government is expected to define an ambitious strategy for the creation of a charging infrastructure until 2030. This must complement the plans of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Governments will have to support the authorities; premises for infrastructure creation. In addition, the network operators should ensure that it is more & ugrave; quick and inexpensive to connect the new charging points. The British government should then appoint a public body to monitor the growth of the charging sector in the country.

In short, the CMA needs coordinated work to rapidly grow the charging network. After all, times are really tight to build the infrastructure.

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