Autonomous driving: General Motors does not want Ford to use the name BlueCruise


The & quot; challenge & quot; among the car manufacturers in creating autonomous driving systems also passes through the courts. General Motors , in fact, has decided to sue Ford who has chosen to use the name & quot; BlueCruise & quot; for its assisted driving system that allows, in some circumstances, to travel on the motorway without having to keep your hands on the wheel. According to GM, the name chosen by the house of the blue oval is; too similar to that of its technology known as & quot; Super Cruise & quot; introduced in 2017 and to that of its & quot; Cruise & quot; division. which develops self-driving systems and vehicles.

In practice, GM wants Ford to use a different name . It seems that the two companies & agrave; have discussed a lot on this issue but without finding a solution. General Motors would have preferred to resolve this issue amicably but ultimately had to take legal action to protect its brands and products that have been on the market for several years. The cause is; was filed in California and is about trademark infringement.

GM is demanding compensation and that Ford change the name of its technology. The house of the blue oval obviously has no intention of changing the name of BlueCruise and, on the contrary, underlines how the request is unfounded as the word & quot; Cruise & quot; & egrave; widely used for some time in the automotive field to identify various assisted driving technologies. Indeed, it is not possible to do not think, for example, of & quot; cruise control & quot; or to more technologies; specifications such as BMW's Active Cruise Control. There are several examples of the use of this word.

In short, for GM, if Ford wanted to adopt a new name for its technology it could have done so easily without using “Cruise”. For the blue oval house, on the other hand, this word is long used as a & quot; shortcut & quot; to identify the assisted driving solutions and for this reason he decided to exploit it. It will be interesting to find out how it will end; this cause.

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