The search work at the house collapse in Miami completed


Published 24 July 2021 at 09.11

Abroad. The search for the collapsed Champlain Towers South in Surfside, Miami, was formally completed on Friday. It reports the Associated Press.

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It has been a month today since the fateful night when the housing complex unexpectedly partially collapsed. The entire building has since been demolished to its foundations and all landslides have been transported away. Only one concrete slab remains.

97 people have been found dead in the landslides and no more survivors have been found since the first hours after the collapse. One person, 54-year-old Estelle Hedaya, is still missing. Police have not commented on whether they have human remains that could not be identified, or if the search for her continues.

The Champlain Towers South collapse is the deadliest accident caused by a construction collapse since the Hyatt Regency Hotel crash in Kansas City in 1981. 114 people died and 216 were injured when a number of indoor bridges in a hotel collapsed. The reason for the landslide was that the construction contractor did not build the bridges in the way the engineers originally stated in their drawings because it was considered too complicated.

The reason for the house collapse in Miami is not yet clear, but a contributing factor that has been pointed out is that a number of inspections of the building, in which civil engineers pointed out serious deficiencies, were ignored. The repairs the inspectors urged the owners to make have been considered far too expensive to carry out.