The tricky minister wants to change the pensions after the Allra ruling


Published July 23, 2021 at 4:22 pm

Finance. There is a need for a “shift” in the pension system after the trick in Allra, says Minister of Social Insurance Ardalan Shekarabi (S) to SvD Näringsliv. However, the Minister does not mention his own prank in the early 2000s.

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– It is a state system and the state has not taken its responsibility but has allowed this type of company to enter the system. It is a betrayal of pension savers and that betrayal must not be repeated. It is not possible to apologize or justify, says Shekarabi to SvD and adds:

Prosecutor Thomas Hertz, for his part, has directed very harsh criticism at the district court's decision to acquit the defendants, with the result that the hundreds of millions that the prosecutor has succeeded take as security was returned to the suspects and disappeared.

– I do not think that the Swedish pension savers will get that money back, and it is a direct consequence of the district court's ruling. Had I been a pension saver, I would have been disappointed. I would have felt cheated by the Swedish state, says Thomas Hertz to SVT.

Minister of Social Insurance Shekarabi, for his part, believes that the pension system itself needs to be changed.

– The trial is a reminder that it a shift in the system is needed, he tells SvD.

The question, however, is whether Shekarabi and his party are suitable for that task. When the crime was discovered, the former Minister of Justice Thomas Bodström (S) sat on Allra's board and Shekarabi himself fiddled away significant amounts from SSU's federal coffers during his time as chairman there in the early 2000s. However, both politicians escaped prosecution.