Community: Votes for the photo and screenshot competition


Almost a tradition, the ComputerBase community is looking for the best photos and screenshots on certain topics at the end of each month. In the month of July, these were “heat/heat wave” and “dark medieval setting”.

The best photo on the subject of “heat/heat wave”

While the summer holidays are drawing to a close in the first federal states, others are eagerly awaiting that start. In keeping with the very hot temperatures of the past few weeks, the community is now looking for the best shot on the subject of “heat/heat wave”. From a total of nine shots, it is not only important to choose the optically best photo, but also the one that best reflects the topic.

With the The screenshots are about the “dark medieval setting”

The screenshots in July are all about castles, knights and mythical creatures. A total of 11 recordings are available for voting on the subject of “Dark Medieval Setting”.

As always in both competitions, the winner can choose the topic of the next month. Every vote is welcome!