Save Titanfall: Hackers hack Apex Legends because of hackers


At the weekend, hackers practically paralyzed the battle royale game Apex Legends from the development studio Respawn Entertainment for hours. When selecting a match, players received messages with a link to the website, which made the intention of the attack clear.

Respawn confirmed attack and delivers update

The hack was drastically noticeable on Sunday, as affected players could no longer select any of the usual game modes. Instead, a notice with the words “” and “TF1 is being attacked so is Apex” was displayed as “New mode”. When leaving a previously functioning match, the message “Visit and repost” popped up, as shown by screenshots. According to media reports, the problems with matchmaking should have lasted for several hours and occurred on the PC as well as on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

Respawn had confirmed the attack via Twitter and distributed an update for the servers on Monday night. According to the latest status, the problems should now be resolved and playing should be possible again without restrictions.

Attention for hacker-plagued Titanfall 1

The hackers' tips make it clear that the attack was intended to draw attention to problems with the respawn title Titanfall, in which gamers are repeatedly prevented from playing through exploits. “Titanfall 2 has been plagued by hacks for months, Titanfall 1 has even become almost completely unplayable,” writes GameStar about the events. On Steam, at least for Titanfall, there were negative reviews. The overall rating of Titanfall 2 is still positive, but here too, DDoS attacks regularly result in inaccessible servers.

The operators of the website have meanwhile abandoned the Attack distant. When the page is called up, the following message is prominently displayed: “This website, nor the Discord servers listed below, are in no way associated with the recent Apex Legends hack”.

Die Website was launched by fans to draw attention to the persistent problems with hackers in Titanfall 1, which the developer studio ignores from their point of view to this day. Although almost unplayable, Titanfall 1 is still sold.

Apex Legends (Benchmarks) is a very successful free-to-play release from the Titanfall universe and delivers multiplayer battles Battle Royale principle.