With this Apple Hardware Calendar you always know better


Apple Hardware Calendar

Of course, you can still write the birthdays of your beloved friends and relatives on this paper calendar too. But it's really all about the anniversaries of the various Apple products. Blogger and podcaster Stephen Hackett has collected all the important dates from Apple's history and put them on a paper calendar, along with beautiful product photos he's taken of his collection. You will also receive a separate set of photos. You can bet your money on it via Kickstarter.

Hackett writes background stories on 512 Pixels and is co-founder of the RelayFM podcast network. Of course he also makes podcasts. But with a collection of more than 150 Macs, Hackett is also an expert on Apple's vintage hardware.

All important data from Apple hardware is on it, so you know exactly when the PowerBook G4 was released. For example, after a visit to the toilet, you can ‘teach’ your roommates. about the main product anniversaries.

The announcement of the calendar can be seen here:

The top half of the calendar shows photos of products, while the bottom lists all dates. For €42 you only get the calendar, while for €52 you get the whole package: the calendar, a set of digital wallpapers, stickers and a stack of photos so you have something to do even after the calendar is over. to watch. If all this is too much of a hassle, you can also just buy the wallpapers for €5.

Hackett has already more than met its Kickstarter goal of $4,214: more than 500 people are interested in a to have such a calendar on the wall.