Control: Remedy builds sequel and multiplayer offshoots


Remedy has its hands full. In addition to the sequel to Alan Wake, financed with money from Epic Games, the sci-fi thriller Control (Test) will also be continued. Another project is being developed at the same time: The studio, known for single-player titles, is working on a multiplayer offshoot of the series.

The publisher 505 Games, which had already financed the first control, appears as a partner for both games. A co-op game is now being created under the name “Project Condor” in which up to four players have to assert themselves against their surroundings. In the case of Control, this can be taken literally, because objects can also become dangerous there. The studio emphasized that “Multiplayer” and “Remedy” should not be mutually exclusive by referring to another project: Under the name Vanguard, a live service offering is being created with money from Epic Games, but this approach takes a different approach as “Condor” should pursue.

The basic understanding of Control helps the project. It is “first and foremost a world, a place for diverse stories, events and characters, a place where unexpected, strange and extraordinary things occur,” explained Game Director Mikael Kasurinen in the Remedy blog. This understanding is behind all games by Remedy: Control, Quantum Break, Alan Wake and Max Payne play in the same fictional world, which is created by constantly increasing cross-references between the individual titles. For Remedy, there is a kind of life insurance behind this because it creates a large “brand” that players can be tied to.

Control 2 is coming

At the same time, a real continuation of Control was indirectly announced. With Remedy something “ambitious” is created, a continuation of the brand with another control game that has a larger budget. Since the multiplayer area is already covered, it can only be a “Control 2”. In both cases, Remedy clarified, but it will be a long time before the official presentation of the games.