Elementary OS 6 (“Odin”): New edition in the style of macOS can be tested


Elementary OS is a beginner-friendly Linux distribution in the style of macOS and in its 6th edition, everyone can try it out as Beta 2. First released in 2007, the Ubuntu derivative focuses on the essentials and is strongly based on the appearance of Apple's operating system.

Linux- MacOS-style distribution

The desktop “Pantheon”, written in the object-oriented programming language Vala, borrows some of the ideas from Gnome and macOS and relies on the already established GUI toolkit and the free program library GTK.

New installer and more Flatpak

In addition to a new dark theme, the free Operating system a revised graphical installer as well as extended support for the Flatpak package management including integration into the in-house app store, which will be gradually expanded with Elementary 6.0 (“Odin”).

Also in terms of multi-gesture control and the notifications issued by the system, the latest preliminary version is said to have made progress.

Ubuntu-LTS as a stable substructure

As the successor to Elementary OS 5.1 (“Hera”), which was released in 2019 and is based on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (“Bionic Beaver”) and Linux 5.4, the new Elementary OS 6 changes the substructure to Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (“Focal Fossa “). The base now represents the Linux 5.8 operating system kernel in “Odin”.

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The new installer for Elementary OS 6
Multi-gesture control on the Pantheon desktop

On the official Elementary blog, the developers have an overview of the new “Look & amp; Feel “released by Elementary OS 6.0.

Try Elementary OS 6

users Those who would like to try out the new free operating system can download the 2.7 GB system image Elementary OS 6.0 Beta 2 (ISO) and use a tool such as Ventoy or Rufus to write it to a storage medium and boot or install it as a live system.

The official release notes for Beta 2 and the project page on the GitHub developer platform provide more detailed information.

The YouTube channel Novaspirit Tech demonstrates the Linux distribution Elementary OS 6 Beta in detail.