Should WWDC stay digital? Apple asks developers


Should WWDC remain digital?

Online or offline? Both variants have advantages and disadvantages. The digital version of WWDC has the advantage that all developers can participate for free, worldwide. They don't have to spend $1500 on a ticket and another $1500 or more for travel and lodging. This is unaffordable for many small and independent developers. But it's also less personal. Many developers who have been to WWDC dream about “the good old days” when you could still have conversations with fellow developers. Apple therefore wants to find out in a survey which variant is preferred.

Developers were asked the following question as part of a survey to conclude WWDC 2021:

How likely are you to attend an in-person conference after attending an entire online event?

Possible answers include: Very likely, Somewhat likely, Neutral, Somewhat unlikely, and Very unlikely.

Apple's eventual answer is probably that it will be a combination: a physical event for people who want to meet and digital sessions for everyone who is not able to attend each year.

Here are the summaries
In case you missed a large part of the sessions (and with hundreds of workshops that chance is quite high), Apple offers you a daily recap in which the most important topics from the various sessions are discussed. On the last day of WWDC that was Safari 15. Below we have listed all the summary videos for you. The background music in each video is ‘Better Days’ from Darkminds.

So WWDC21 is officially over, but Apple has pre-recorded videos of all the sessions that you can watch for years to come. In the Apple Developer app, you'll even find sessions from a few years back, when things were a bit simpler.