Malmö police are preparing for Paludan's Koran competition


Published 17 May 2021 at 17.25

Domestic. The police in Malmö are strengthening their organization and have started a so-called special event after the Danish Islam critic Rasmus Paludan applied to hold a “drawing Muhammad competition” in the Rosengård ghetto.

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Rasmus Paludan has applied to hold an “international drawing Muhammad Day” in the center of Rosengård on May 20 at 19-21.

When Paludan planned to burn a Koran in Rosengård in Malmö last autumn, there were violent riots and Paludan himself was ported from Sweden. Now, however, he has been confirmed that he is a Swedish citizen and can therefore not be ported this time.

Paludan's application for a general meeting on 20 May is being processed but has not been approved.

At the same time as the application is being processed, the police are working to strengthen their organization to deal with demonstrations of the type that have followed in the wake of the conflict in the Middle East in recent weeks.

– We know that events in the world also resonate in Sweden and this can lead to demonstrations and demonstrations. Therefore, it is important for us to take height to be able to handle the manifestations that are carried out. The task of the police is to assess received applications for public gatherings and carefully consider whether a permit can be granted. Freedom of speech, assembly and demonstration is strong, says Commander Petra Stenkula on the police's website.

The police in the South region have started a so-called special event to handle and relieve the regular police organization. The special event will also handle any events related to Rasmus Paludan's application, regardless of whether it is granted or not.

– We have the reactions after the events in August last year when a Koran was burned and a subsequent violent riot in August last year in fresh memory and has obviously learned from those events. That is why we have prepared in a special organization to be able to deal with these issues, says Petra Stenkula.