Sweden terminates its tax agreement with Portugal


Published 14 May 2021 at 10.33

Domestic. The fact that wealthy baby boomers are moving to Portugal to be able to withdraw often high pensions from Sweden completely tax-free has upset the Swedish government. Now it proposes that the tax agreement with the country be terminated.

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When the agreement between Sweden and Portugal was negotiated, Sweden agreed to waive the right to tax pensions from private employment, provided that the tax was levied in Portugal.

In 2009, Portugal introduced special tax rules. They mean that immigrants who have applied for so-called NHR status (non-habitual residents) for ten years may pay low or no tax on certain income, such as pensions. The condition is that the income comes from another country. The previous and new rules in combination mean that certain pensions will be completely untaxed.

In 2019, the countries agreed to change the regulations so that pensions from private employment can also be taxed in Sweden. Portugal has still not fulfilled its part of the agreement, so the government is now proposing that the agreement be terminated.

The Tax Committee proposes that the Riksdag say yes to the government's proposal.