Hyvönen guest plays on single


Hyvönen guest plays on single

TT Frida Hyvönen guest stars on a new single by David Ritschard. Stock Photography.Picture: Jessica Gow David Ritschard is now releasing the second single from the upcoming album “The Blueberry King”, which is described as a hybrid of classic country and folk home soul. The song “There are still waves” is also visited by Frida Hyvönen. It was a close friend of Ritschard who prophesied that the song needed her. ”Not because I lacked the muscle to carry it myself, he just heard everything inside him and did not let go. She's my favorite and I probably would not have dared to ask her if he had not sounded so determined when he said that. He does not usually do that. And she said yes “, says David Ritschard in a press release. The album will be released on September 24 and this autumn Ritschard will go on tour in Sweden. In 2020, David Ritschard, together with Magnus Carlson from Weeping Willows, released the Hammarby epic” Soon we will see each other again “.