Weekly review and outlook: technology with and software without a future


“Smart” lights belong to the future in many places, as the test of the Hue wall switch module showed. Windows X, on the other hand, has none. The introduction of ever more and ever larger displays in cars was again extremely controversial. During the games, the zombies stabbed the mutants.

Smart lights are often quite annoying

Hand on & apos; s heart that the test of the Philips Hue wall switch module would go to number 1 in the article charts from the week, no one in the editorial team would have thought. The topic of smart alias lighting controlled by app or voice command has meanwhile become an important topic for the majority of ComputerBase readers – and this also includes how to make the smart light sources as “fool-proof” as classic, fixed-location light switches.

In the comments, the test on the Hue wall switch module also provided very interesting insights into the solutions in the community, which often also includes its own approaches, a lot of tinkering or even programming. But the fundamental question of the meaning and purpose of the new lights was also lively discussed.

Do you use smart light sources (app control) in your four walls?

  • Yes, but not everywhere where it is possible
  • Yes, everywhere where it is possible is
  • No
  • Abstain (show result)

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How much “IT” can, must or may be in the car?

It was a bit more controversial in the test of MBUX 2, the second generation from Mercedes-Benz & apos; new infotainment suite for cars. Faster hardware based on the latest GPUs from Nvidia, more larger displays and fewer buttons – many readers are very skeptical of this auto trend according to their own statements.

Mutants vs. Zombies

The editorial team also dealt in detail this week with the two new games Resident Evil VII.I.AGE and Metro Exodus Enhance Edition (test), the zombie-occupied village was at the end just before the post-apocalypse. Possibly also because it offers ray tracing, but that is only optional and therefore, as well as the fact that it has been very well optimized, runs very well on most reasonably modern PCs. The situation is different with Metro Exodus: The enhanced version needs a graphics card with raytracing support, because the rasterizer tricks that are otherwise offered as alternatives have been deleted without replacement wherever raytracing is used.

Most Read Tests & amp; Reports

  1. Test

    Hue wall switch module Philips & apos; Approach against the guest who uses the wall switch

    210 Comments Jan Lehmann 100%

  2. Test

    Resident Evil Village Update Excellent performance also with ray tracing

    458 comments Wolfgang Andermahr 86%

  3. Test

    S-Class with MBUX 2 infotainment and assistance from the new star

    183 comments Nicolas La Rocco 72%

  4. Test

    Metro Exodus PC Enhanced Impressive lighting exclusively for Raytracing GPUs

    306 comments Wolfgang Andermahr 70%

  5. Test

    LED Screen Light Bar Pro Yeelights monitor lamp with Razer chroma backlight

    128 comments Frank Hüber 66%

  6. < img src = "/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/5f395858896ec98b5facfc57dfaa06da.jpg" /> Retro

    C: B_retro Ausgabe_78 Microsoft Xbox with Pentium III and GeForce3

    115 comments Sven Bauduin 48%

  7. Test

    Current SSD benchmarks The community tests its SSDs under practical conditions

    572 comments Daniel Albers 36%

  8. Test

    650 watt power supplies Corsair RM650x and XPG Core Reactor 650W in gold duel

    100 comments Nico Schleippmann 34%

  9. Retro

    Tested 15 years ago PCIe x8 versus PCIe x16 for multi-GPU systems

    51 comments Robert McHardy 28%

In the news, Windows 10 once again attracted the most attention, specifically Windows 10 X. Windows 10X, shown for the first time in October 2019 on the Surface Neo with two displays, should be Microsoft's answer to this as a simple but more modern Windows 10 variant Cloud operating system Chrome OS from Google and after several shifts it will first be used on single-screen devices and later also on dual-screen devices such as the Neo.

Most recently it was said that Microsoft is planning two variants for 2021/2022. But nothing will come of it, it is now said. And if a project previously presented as a showcase project fails at Microsoft, many onlookers are set.

Most read news & amp; Notes

  1. 1 Windows 10X before the end The operating system of the future has no future 100%
  2. 2 Cloud provider backblaze failure rates of HDDs and SSDs in comparison 57%
  3. 3 Sennheiser headphones division is sold for 200 million euros 51%
  4. 4 Fritz! OS 7.27 AVM distributes new firmware for the Fritz! Box 7590 39%
  5. 5 Ex-Unitymedia Vodafone parts with Liberty Global for routing 37%
  6. 6 Semiconductor production IBM has developed the first 2 nm chip 36%
  7. 7 Epic vs. Apple Microsoft has never made a profit with Xbox consoles 35%
  8. 8 SCSI update causes problems Windows 10 no longer starts with a new AMD driver 35%

With this reading material in the bag, the editors wish you a relaxing Sunday!