SCSI update causes problems: Windows 10 no longer starts with the new AMD driver


An update of the driver “SCSIAdapter” from AMD can apparently lead to Windows 10 no longer booting properly. The first hints from the community of the ComputerBase forum as well as on Microsoft Answers are united by an AM4 mainboard from Gigabyte.

SCSI adapter causes start problems

From the forum, the community members “DaBo87”, “Tom-E” as well as “Dorian820” and “SimonGreen” are affected by the start problem after the update.

What all those affected have in common is a current AM4 motherboard from Gigabyte with a current X570 chipset. In these and other cases, the problems always occurred when the driver “SCSIAdapter” from AMD in version was installed by Windows Update. Further error messages could confirm or refute this connection.

The SCSI adapter causes problems

After the installation, Windows 10 no longer boots properly and refuses to start with the error message “Inaccessible Boot Device”.

In his forum post, “DaBo87” describes how he was able to temporarily solve the problem.

AMD and Gigabyte have already been informed

The editorial team is already in contact with AMD and Gigabyte and will update this post as soon as new findings are available.

Until then, the corresponding update should be omitted for the time being, especially for users with a Gigabyte motherboard.

The editors would like to thank the community member and moderator “knoxxi” for pointing this out.

Update May 8th, 2021 1:16 pm

Microsoft is pulling Driver back for the time being

As can be seen from a posting by an employee of the Windows Insider Engineering Team on the Windows Answers platform, Microsoft has released the faulty update for the AMD driver “SCSIAdapter” v9 .3.0.221 obviously withdrawn for the time being.

How the faulty driver was delivered and whether it is really no longer delivered via Windows Update in the meantime is not yet known 100 percent secured.

Both in the ComputerBase forum community and in the Microsoft support forum there are increasing complaints about systems that no longer start.

The editorial team thanks community member “Brimbam borum ”for the notice about this update.