Paludan invites to a Muhammad drawing in Rosengård


Published 10 May 2021 at 14.16

Domestic. The Danish critic of Islam Rasmus Paludan has now applied to hold an “international drawing of Muhammad Day” in the center of Rosengård on May 20 at 19-21, reports Samnytt.

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When Rasmus Paludan planned to burn a Koran in Rosengård in Malmö last autumn, there was a commotion.

The demonstration permit was withdrawn, Paludan was ported from Sweden and violent Muslim riots broke out in Rosengård.

Now Paludan has received confirmation that he is a Swedish citizen, and has once again applied to the Police Authority to organize an event in the Skåne ghetto.

In his application, he describes the event as a ” international drawing Muhammad Day “. Everyone is welcome to “come and draw the false prophet Muhammad”.

– We have experience that there are some people in Rosengård who have problems understanding what freedom of speech means. So it is also a kind of pedagogical instrument, you could say, says Rasmus Paludan to Samnytt.