Covidsjuk doctor case for the Swedish Work Environment Authority


Covidsjuk doctor case for the Swedish Work Environment Authority


The Västra Götaland region reports an incident where a chief physician went to work with covid symptoms. Stock Photography.Picture: Naina Helén Jåma/TT Region Västra Götaland reports an incident where a chief physician went to work with covid symptoms and infected others, reports Göteborgs-Posten. It was in October last year that a chief physician at Sahlgrenska University Hospital worked despite obvious symptoms. on covid-19.On several occasions, the doctor was asked to go home. However, the person in question stated that he had antibodies and that there was therefore no cause for concern. Only after two days did the doctor leave the job. It was then established that he had covid-19 and that no antibody test had ever been done. The doctor, who is suspected of having infected 13 people, was dismissed by the hospital. Of those infected, one was a patient, two relatives and the rest were staff. The doctor has also reported to the Swedish Health and Care Inspectorate (Ivo) as a risk to patient safety.