Video: Here Per Bolund (MP) brags about his meeting with John Kerry


Published 7 May 2021 at 11.16

Politics. Minister of the Environment and Climate Per Bolund (MP) took the opportunity to boast about his participation in the virtual climate summit organized by US President Joe Biden during yesterday's question time in the Riksdag.

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The background was that the Moderates' environmental and climate policy spokesperson Jessica Rosencrantz criticized the government for having created a “circus around the climate summit” and exaggerated her own role in it.

But Bolund, who was strongly criticized for claiming in interviews that Sweden was allowed to “set the tone for the entire meeting”, despite the fact that Sweden was not invited to the summit itself, insisted:

– Until you have sat in a summit with John Kerry, I think perhaps one should have a slightly lower attitude on the issue, was his rather humble answer.

Rosencrantz, however, was not impressed by it, but continued to criticize the government's efforts during the climate summit.

– As I said, I hope that Sweden can get a real invitation next time to the room where the big countries sit and discuss the crucial decisions, she said.