Amazon’s First Fitness Tracker Is Out Now for You to Buy


Last August, Amazon announced its first Fitness tracker, the Halo. It looks like a bracelet and promises to track everything from body fat to your emotional state. If you’re comfortable trusting the giant company with even more personal data, you can buy the Halo right now for $100 with six months of service.

The Halo differs from many fitness trackers; for one, despite being a wrist-worn device, it doesn’t have a screen. It also contains more sensors than the average fitness tracker. Amazon promises the Halo can track activity, heart rate and motion, continuous sleep, body fat percentage, and even your current emotional state by measuring the tone of voice.

It’s a lot of data, and some early reviewers have are even calling it incredibly invasive. But all fitness trackers require sharing data about your personal life with some large company or another, whether it’s Apple, Google, or Fitbit (which may soon be part of Google). As always, you should investigate privacy policies with any tracking device.

For its part, an Amazon spokesperson told the Washington Post, “Privacy is foundational to how we designed and built Amazon Halo. Body and Tone are both optional features that are not required to use the product.” Naturally, the Hao does require a subscription, but it’s affordable compared to competing services.

When you purchase the Halo, it comes with six months of service. After that, it’ll cost $4 a month to continue using the service. You can buy the Halo now directly from Amazon.

A screen-free fitness band

Introducing Amazon Halo – Measure body composition, activity, sleep, and tone of voice – Winter + Silver – Medium

The Amazon Halo is the first fitness tracker from the company. It tracks everything from sleep to body fat percentage. Purchase comes with six months of service.

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