Google Updates Assistant Snapshots to Agregate Your Tasks in One Place

Josh Hendrickson

Google Assistant’s Snapshot feature already helps you stay on top of your day. But until now, it was hidden behind a tap and somewhat limited. Now you can call it up by voice, and it will start aggregating your tasks and even making proactive suggestions so you can get more done in the day.
If you’re an English user, the new voice command already live, just say, “Hey, Google show me my day.” That will pull up Snapshot’s main view for you, rather than having to tap the button in Assistant.

But easier access isn’t all Google wants to add. Now, Snapshots will be more proactive. You’ll still see the existing features, like reminders to pay the credit card bill or an upcoming calendar appointment.

You’ll also see Snapshots adjust to match the time of day. Your morning appointment doesn’t need to be top of the list in the afternoon, so that will hide. Whereas in the morning, you’ll see weather commute notifications, top headlines, and the like.

Snapshots can now make recommendations too. It can help you find new podcasts to listen to, suggest recipes for dinner, or even a new restaurant to try. And Snapshots is your new go-to place for task-based notifications.

When you have an upcoming event, like a plane flight or bill due, Google Assistant will send you a notification to remind you. If an event changes and Google can see that, it will let you know too. In English speaking markets, you’ll soon get birthday notifications. Tapping on that will bring up possible options like calling or texting to wish happy birthday.

Google says it isn’t done though and plans to add even more features in the future. When it does, we’ll be sure to let you know what’s new.