So a quantum computer works


Quantum computers capture the imagination of Computer Nerds. They perform inconceivably many arithmetic operations in the shortest possible time and should be able to complicated Codes to crack. But it’s not that simple.

In the Chip of the Google Quantum Dream in Santa Barbara, California 54 Qubits stuck.

It was in the development of quantum computers is a huge breakthrough: The research team led by John Martinis of the University of California in Santa Barbara have trumped with a quantum computer, the world’s largest supercomputers in computing power. The researchers, supported by Google, presented their results on may 23. October in the journal Nature.

According to information from the quantum computer has solved the posed computational task in 200 seconds. A conventional Supercomputer would be needed for 10,000 years. The US IT company, IBM, contradicted this view, currently the fastest Supercomputer, Summit, the task would have been done in 2.5 days. However, The quantum computer was still faster.

What good is that to us? And what is a quantum computer anyway? Here are some important points to the barely understandable technology:

Bits and Qubits

Our current computer world is digital. That means that you consists of binary Digits, called bits. In practice, the electronic load are conditions on Transistors and Chips, which can have a value of either 0 or 1.

In the world of quantum physics, it is much more complicated. There are Qubits, i.e. quantum bits. This can not only take on both States, i.e. 0 and 1 at the same time, but also all the States in between.

You can imagine a Qubit is like a coin: For a digital Bit is either with the head or with the number to the top – ie 0 or 1. The Qubit, she rotates on the table and not yet turned over. So you can’t decide whether heads or tails is up.

This Paradox has Erwin Schrödinger in 1935, is described on the example of a cat, along with poison and a radioactive substance in a box: You don’t know to a certain point in time, whether she is dead or alive. Consequently, both States are possible at the same time. It is only when you open the box, the cat is a fixed state – either she’s alive or she’s dead. In physics, this happens at a measurement, the quantum state ends up in this Moment.

More: quantum States made visible

These two are too entangled quantum systems, if they are locked in crates.

Quantum entanglement

This phenomenon can be with conventional physical logic actually do not understand. Albert Einstein has described as “spooky action at a distance”: the Two quantum systems (such as Qubits) are correlated in their States have the same state – but only as long as her condition is not set.

In our coin-operated model that would be as if you leave two coins at the same time rotate. Both are no matter how far you are away from each other – to take the same state. In the Moment in which a coin falls to the side and her condition is set so that, collapses the quantum entanglement in itself.

Similar to the situation with schrödinger’s cat: you Would have two boxes with two cats, there could be between them is a quantum entanglement, but only as long as the boxes are closed.

Exponentially growing computing power

Because the Qubits can take on many different States at the same time, you are also able to a lot more computational operations than conventional Bits.

The computational power of quantum computers increases, at least theoretically, exponentially with the number of Qubits. Since the curve is getting steeper to the top, it would be sufficient, actually, to increase the number of Qubits only slightly, to achieve rapidly increasing computing power.

In practice, it looks different: This works only, if all other conditions are right also: The quantum entanglement between the Qubits must be able to properly run. The error rate must be minimal. Even the smallest disturbances lead otherwise to the fact that the computing power is collapsing.

The challenge to the developer is not only to bring in more and more Qubits on the Chip, but to also get the precision. To this end, Google has developed its own error-correction. They achieved an accuracy of the arithmetic operations of 99.99 percent.

More: Nobel prize for physics: From Bageln and pretzels

The “chandelier” is immersed in liquid Helium in.

So a quantum computer is built

At first glance, a quantum computer looks like a giant chandelier made of copper pipes and wires – so the experts call also the external structure.

At its core, a superconducting Chip, on which the Qubits as on a chessboard arranged in patterns are inserted. The Google quantum computer, there are 54 Qubits, one of which did not work, however.

The Qubits on the Chip are tiny Capacitors made from niobium, and their cargoes, similar to the rotating coins to be set into vibration, i.e. no specified conditions have. Between them small, customizable coupler Transistors, so-called Resonators lie. Talk on micro-waves.

Dersupra conductive Chip, but it is not only in an electromagnetic microwave field, but at the same time, even under extreme cold. The Chips must be cooled to approximately absolute zero temperature. The IBM quantum computer are, for example, of 0.015 Kelvin. Such low temperatures can only be achieved if the whole quantum computer-chandelier is immersed in a Tank of liquefied Helium is introduced.

More: “Why high-temperature superconductors work, we do not know ourselves.”

Operating system uses a quantum computer?

None at all. The Software for quantum computers is to compare it with the digital binary computer in any way. In order to test the performance of your supercomputer, developed by the Google experts, specially a complicated mathematical task.

The quantum computer-produced random Numbers and mapped these – the task was designed in such a way that they are required by Design more and more complex and larger computing capacities. A classical computer would have been overwhelmed quickly.

Watch the Video 01:28

Nobel prize for quantum physicist # Journal English # 09.10.2012 # preis22b

What could bring the quantum computer in the future

Visionary rave about it, that a quantum computer might be able to crack even the most difficult encryptions. Far better simulations, traffic control systems and other Big Data applications could also be added.

But this is more Fiction than Science. So far it is not foreseeable that the existing quantum computer could take over any useful tasks that can be done now of super computers.

Basic research

The research will first of all prove that the principle works in principle. If one were to compare the development of the quantum computer with the air travel, this would correspond to about the trials of the brothers glider Wright with their self-made Sailing.

So it is not established, for example, that a quantum computer can run for hours, days or even years stable. In addition, quantum computers use a fundamentally different programming scheme than classical Computer – it must be a Software that the existing quantum effects also makes Use of them, otherwise you bring nothing.

Practically, this means that programmers are writing programs exclusively for the Test of the computer, and for basic research, but not to solve other tasks, for the world beyond the quantum mechanics. And that will remain for the next decades probably.

More: Marthaler: “quantum computer is still far away”

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    Author: Fabian Schmidt