So cute, so bizarre: seahorses


Seahorses are cute, we are sure all agree. Pity the little ones, however, are also. That is precisely why we should take better care of her.

May we introduce? A dwarf seahorse, Hippocampus bargibanti

Seahorses live worldwide in tropical and temperate seas. Most of the species inhabiting the temperate temperate seas around Australia and new Zealand, but also on the European Atlantic coast to the English channel and the estuary of the Thames, a kind of is.

But wait a minute! What seahorses are, exactly? What are you? From whom do you come? The Resemblance to the horse is at first glance obvious. This relationship can, however, be ruled out. Because of the head s over down and the similarities with artiodactyls. The body of the seahorse is of a fragile, the rear tail end of the worm-like, Hooves? Fail display.

In the broadest sense, seahorses fish are without scales. Instead, you have a delicate skin, which is stretched over the ring-shaped, bony plates. Each type has a certain number of these rings. Together with the scraps of fish and other species, seahorses, form the family of pipefish (Syngnathidae).

Seahorses are different, but great, and an exciting research object. Because the animals have developed in the course of time, many unusual body characteristics and behavior

Bad Swimmers

In terms of Swimming not a lot with fishing together, poor swimmers, seahorses are extremely. You can’t blame them however, because they are finally in an upright Position in the water, that is to say: you are not just streamlined.

And as if that wasn’t enough, you are missing the fish typical of the tail fin completely. For forward movement, you make use of the dorsal fin, the fins on the left and right of the control.

So no records to break. With a maximum speed of 1.5 meters per hour, the dwarf seahorse Hippocampus Zosterae, the slowest fish in the world. For comparison: A snail creates three meters per hour, so the 0.003 km/h.

To look and see! Here are two dwarf cloak seahorses are particularly pretty

The dwarf seahorse is a four centimetres, the length of the body of one of the smaller representatives of the family of the pipefish. But it goes even smaller. There are even seahorses that measure just one and a half inches. Larger specimens, however, as 35 centimetres of body length.

How romantic!

As is the case in a variety of sizes, there are seahorses in all the colors of the rainbow, especially red, orange, yellow, green, or grey. This includes patterns, stripes, or dots. Since the little guys are not afraid to experiment. They are available with long or short snouts, and you can even change their color, when it comes to hide.

He belongs to me: sea horse in the pairing of the same color to show that they belong together

But not only then. Of seahorses we can Flirt us in terms of even something to learn. Every Morning to sunrise swims, the female to the male, and calls on it to a romantic dance: they change colour, turning in a circle, swim through their territory, the tails in each other’s arms. Adorable, right? Then the couple separates and each devoted to his own daily routine – which means primarily food intake. But more on that later.

Men thing!

Also in the mating season, dancing with the seahorses. If seahorses perform their love dance, take both the same color. In order to show that they belong to each other. This courtship for several days to behave normally. In the process, they get caught again their cocks into each other. Biologists believe that the seahorses to vote so that their reproductive cycle to each other.

After that, the male is able to fertilize eggs when it receives them. When mating, the female seahorse is injected up to 2000 eggs in the male brood pouch. You heard right! Because in the case of family, the male-for-kids seahorse is responsible. About nine to 45 days, the seahorse is pregnant, then have all of you young completely.

How many seahorse species there are, is unknown. An estimated 33 different types of Trend is decreasing.

And then the big day came: The hatching of 100 to 1000 lively sea horses! Given the survival rate of such large litters, however, are also necessary. Because the seahorses are placed according to their birth alone. The parents are usually busy with the next pairing.

Who has not careful, when a hungry predator comes by, or when a strong current is rapidly moving away from the window. Less than 0.5 percent of the small seahorses reach adulthood.

Good night, and good hold…

Speaking of flow: To while sleeping not to abort, hold the seahorse with your cock to plants or corals.

So you are also waiting for their prey. Seahorses are typical Ambush predator – something else remains you left. You are after all not particularly fast and scary, or even with a good set of Teeth fitted. You don’t even have teeth.

Seahorses are available in various sizes, shapes and colors. This copy bears a kind of mane.

Always hungry

But you can boast with a 360-degree all-round view. And so you wait patiently and well camouflaged, until potential prey in front of his mouth floats. With the tactics, it is plastered about 3000 small crustaceans, floating shrimp, water fleas or fish larvae of the day. They all sucked the seahorses lightning fast with the tubular mouth and swallowed it. There is every Time the for seahorses characteristic clicking noise.

So it goes on all day long. Up to ten hours spend a seahorse with the Lauer-hunt, because you are always hungry. Seahorses have no stomach, this means that you need to constantly eat, because the food slips so quickly through the digestive system through. What a life!

A heart for seahorses

But as well as they can camouflage well and your bone armor against predators are protected, in front of the people you are so long not sure: The business with seahorses is booming.

The animals are eaten dried, ground and used in soups, teas and rice wine. You believe in Traditional Chinese medicine, this helps to erectile dysfunction, shortness of breath, Asthma, pain, and incontinence. Over 20 million seahorses a year that end up as bycatch in fishing nets come in.

Although international trade is banned since 2004 by the Washington species protection Convention (CITES), to achieve even today, dried seahorses to the markets in Bangkok or Hong Kong for a price of 600 to 3000 dollars per kilogram.

More: China’s appetite for dried seahorses – the end for the sea animal?

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