Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer calls for a protection zone in Syria


The Secretary of defense want deeds instead of words: Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer calls in the DW-Interview for an international safety zone in Northern Syria. If there are also German soldiers will be used is open.

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AKK security zone in Syria

“My proposal is that we will be an internationally-controlled security zone set up with the involvement of Turkey and, with the involvement of Russia,” said Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer in an Interview with Deutsche Welle.

Germany should, together with France and the UK, and taking account of Russia with Turkey in this proposal, the Minister said. “We should consider whether we use supervisor for this process may be a special.” The process could be accompanied by a conference. “I think that would be a strong political and diplomatic response of the Europeans in NATO.” Participation of NATO partner USA mentioned Kramp-Karrenbauer not.

The Federal government has declared the invasion of Turkish troops in the North Syrian Region, illegal under international law. The Situation in Northern Syria is a Situation “directly relates to the security interests of Europe and also directly to the security interests of Germany,” said the defence Minister in DW Interview.

“There is a need for a strong European Initiative”

Such a safety zone, so Kramp cart Builder’s Plan, should have the goal, the since the Turkish Offensive in Northern Syria to a halt come the fight against the Islamic terrorist resume. “This requires, in my view, a strong European Initiative.”

German Chancellor Angela Merkel had already proposed a joint Meeting with France, Britain and Turkey. Kramp-Karrenbauer demanded that the Franco-German defense Council to prepare, with the inclusion of British Details.

“It is a fact and we have to deal with”

Parallel to this, the Minister wants to involve both Turkey and Russia in their plans. “Russia is one of the most important actors in Syria”, said Kramp-Karrenbauer. “The can like it or not, but it is a fact and we have to deal with.”

She wanted to use Germany’s current seat in the UN security Council for negotiations as well as bilateral talks with both sides. “The Alternative would be to watch as Europeans, and also as a NATO simple as possible talks between Turkey and Russia continue to run.”

Bundeswehr participation not excluded

Whether, and how, the soldiers of the German Bundeswehr in the proposed protection zone, The question of how we handle Germany politically, and what this may mean for the German armed forces, is a question which must be decided in the Bundestag did not want to specify the Secretary of defense:”.”

Within her party, the CDU Head of the support for this proposal to be sure. Also, German Chancellor Angela Merkel have informed you in advance about your proposal. “It will certainly be a discussion within the government,” she said in regard to the coalition partner SPD. “But you can’t just talk about the fact that Europe must not be a fence guest”, you must then initiate with their own proposals for discussion.