Bonn gets a “Beethoven-tour”


A few months before the beginning of the great Beethoven-spring is formed in and around Bonn, a Beethoven-Route. According to the Beethoven house is now a walk in the footsteps of the composer.

  • On The Beethoven Track: Beethoven-Tour

    The Beethoven Monument

    In December 1770 Ludwig van Beethoven in Bonn to the world and spending the first 22 years of his life. In 1845, on the inside, and of Franz Liszt, co-financed Beethoven monument on the münsterplatz is reminiscent to his Work in the city and may, of course, during the tour, to his 250. Birthday not to be missed. It is a sign of Bonn’s true in General.

  • On The Beethoven Track: Beethoven-Tour

    Beethoven’s Baptismal Font

    Already at the age of ten accompanied Beethoven on the organ, the early mass in the Bonn Remigius Church; wrote twelve, the child Prodigy his first own pieces. While his exact birth date remains a mystery, we know at least that he was baptized in the 17.12.1770. Anyone who goes on the tour, you pass in the Remigius Church in its baptismal font.

  • On The Beethoven Track: Beethoven-Tour

    The Redoubt-Castles

    A splendid room with stucco ornaments and overhanging chandeliers – here, in the redoubt in the South of Bonn, Beethoven intended to have with the beginning of the 20th for Joseph Haydn played. With Haydn in Vienna, the budding composer later went into teaching. Probably one of the first performances of Mozart took place in the Redoute, “The magic flute”. Lady Di, or the Shah of Persia visited later in the hall.

  • On The Beethoven Track: Beethoven-Tour

    The Roisdorf Fountain

    The Romans already drank from the source of the Roisdorf fountain, the water of which was later exported even to Russia. Beethoven learned the healing water at regular Visit with the family. As his health condition deteriorated in Vienna, he was repeatedly resorts in order to benefit from the soothing effect of the healing and mineral springs.

  • On The Beethoven Track: Beethoven-Tour

    The Petersberg

    Siebengebirge and Petersberg goals for Ludwig van Beethoven a regular trip. Witnesses report that he came “often with a Kahne” over to dream “and to work”. In 1763 was erected on the Petersberg, a Baroque chapel. Both pilgrims as well as the young, nature should love be the end of Beethoven from the wide view over the Rhine plain, been mesmerised.

  • On The Beethoven Track: Beethoven-Tour

    The Banks Of The Rhine

    For Beethoven, the Rhine, in particular, meant home. From Vienna he wrote: “The beautiful area, in the I saw the light of the world, is still so beautiful and clear before my eyes (…). Shortly, I will consider this time as one of the happiest events of my life, where I (…) welcome to the father Rhine.” The banks of the Rhine is on a tour also on the Route.

  • On The Beethoven Track: Beethoven-Tour

    The Dragon Rock

    The last Station of the Beethoven tour leads up to the dragon rock. The stunning views to be enjoyed from there, remembered Beethoven time life eagerly. In nature he found rest and Inspiration, and went rarely without a small sketchbook, to be able to ideas to write down. In many of his works, his nature is love reflected.

    Author: Bettina Baumann

  • On The Beethoven Track: Beethoven-Tour

    The Beethoven Monument

    In December 1770 Ludwig van Beethoven in Bonn to the world and spending the first 22 years of his life. In 1845, on the inside, and of Franz Liszt, co-financed Beethoven monument on the münsterplatz is reminiscent to his Work in the city and may, of course, during the tour, to his 250. Birthday not to be missed. It is a sign of Bonn’s true in General.

  • On The Beethoven Track: Beethoven-Tour

    Beethoven’s Baptismal Font

    Already at the age of ten accompanied Beethoven on the organ, the early mass in the Bonn Remigius Church; wrote twelve, the child Prodigy his first own pieces. While his exact birth date remains a mystery, we know at least that he was baptized in the 17.12.1770. Anyone who goes on the tour, you pass in the Remigius Church in its baptismal font.

  • On The Beethoven Track: Beethoven-Tour

    The Redoubt-Castles

    A splendid room with stucco ornaments and overhanging chandeliers – here, in the redoubt in the South of Bonn, Beethoven intended to have with the beginning of the 20th for Joseph Haydn played. With Haydn in Vienna, the budding composer later went into teaching. Probably one of the first performances of Mozart took place in the Redoute, “The magic flute”. Lady Di, or the Shah of Persia visited later in the hall.

  • On The Beethoven Track: Beethoven-Tour

    The Roisdorf Fountain

    The Romans already drank from the source of the Roisdorf fountain, the water of which was later exported even to Russia. Beethoven learned the healing water at regular Visit with the family. As his health condition deteriorated in Vienna, he was repeatedly resorts in order to benefit from the soothing effect of the healing and mineral springs.

  • On The Beethoven Track: Beethoven-Tour

    The Petersberg

    Siebengebirge and Petersberg goals for Ludwig van Beethoven a regular trip. Witnesses report that he came “often with a Kahne” over to dream “and to work”. In 1763 was erected on the Petersberg, a Baroque chapel. Both pilgrims as well as the young, nature should love be the end of Beethoven from the wide view over the Rhine plain, been mesmerised.

  • On The Beethoven Track: Beethoven-Tour

    The Banks Of The Rhine

    For Beethoven, the Rhine, in particular, meant home. From Vienna he wrote: “The beautiful area, in the I saw the light of the world, is still so beautiful and clear before my eyes (…). Shortly, I will consider this time as one of the happiest events of my life, where I (…) welcome to the father Rhine.” The banks of the Rhine is on a tour also on the Route.

  • On The Beethoven Track: Beethoven-Tour

    The Dragon Rock

    The last Station of the Beethoven tour leads up to the dragon rock. The stunning views to be enjoyed from there, remembered Beethoven time life eagerly. In nature he found rest and Inspiration, and went rarely without a small sketchbook, to be able to ideas to write down. In many of his works, his nature is love reflected.

    Author: Bettina Baumann

Cathedral square, on the corner of Remigio street: Today, locked here, in the heart of Bonn, a huge Department store the way. In the 18th century. Century, saw it differently: Surrounded by gardens, close to the city walls, fine houses stood in the same place, a wealthy citizen. That would still be, would Bonn have been the victims of bombing in the Second world war. A three-storey neo-classical building of the family of the English belonged to the knight councillor von Breuning order. The Hofrat himself came in the fire of the residence castle in 1777, and died, his early widowed wife, Helene, and their four children remained in the middle of Bonn to live, surrounded by musical instruments, books, bird cages and children’s toys.

Beethoven’s second home: the house of the family Breuninger looked as Beethoven here performed

31. In October 1788 a young man into the house, Ludwig van Beethoven came just eighteen years old, in order to give the children of Lawrence and Leonore piano lessons. The “often stubborn”, often unkempt and hungry, the young man was warmly included in the family circle and took place at the Breunings warmth and comfort that was missing him. For the next few years, “Breuning’s house was” Beethoven’s second home, here he was, almost daily, and here he spent his last day in Bonn before the final departure to Vienna – 1. November 1792.

Beethoven’s make time to experience

Stories like this tell the 22 information columns (just as many years spent with Ludwig van Beethoven in the city of his birth), are to be seen from October 2019 as the first visible harbingers of the great Beethoven anniversary year in Bonn and surroundings. The inner urban Route with eleven columns BTHVN STORY and guides is Beethoven-interested Smartphone owner in writing, in pictures and sound through the immediate Bonner living environment of the composer. A further eleven stations in the BTHVN REGION to other sights and into nature. In order to get a story told, you need to scan the QR-Code.

History meets modern technology: the “Beethoven App”

It follows the grey steles in the city centre, so you can imagine actually good, as the ways of the young Beethoven went: from home to the service of the electoral court, then to music lessons along the Rhine, perhaps with a detour to the tavern. Some of the historical sites are preserved and look like in ancient times. “And that is not only the birthplace of Beethoven.

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#Daily Drone: The Beethoven House In Bonn

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#Daily Drone: The Beethoven House In Bonn

A place that looks today the same as in the 18th century. Century, even though he was of course restored, for example, the castle Church,” says Ralf Birkner, the managing Director of the Beethoven jubilee GmbH and project Manager. “Also, the Remigius Church is very important: Here is the baptismal font of Ludwig van Beethoven is. This is Original and belonged not automatically day-to-day program of any tourist, because the Remigius Church is a little off.”

Further objectives of the Beethoven Route the Beethoven monument, which was inaugurated in 1845 (53 years after Beethoven’s departure from Bonn, and 18 years after his death), the old cemetery, on the close of Clara and Robert Schumann’s grave, also Beethoven’s beloved mother, Mary Magdalene rests, or the attractive “La Redoute”-castle in the Bonn suburb of Bad Godesberg. Here, the 21-year-old Beethoven, according to legend, Joseph Haydn played, was just passing through from London, and was encouraged by the master to devote himself to the study of music. Later, Beethoven was Haydn’s pupil in Vienna.

Some of the stations makes the Beethoven-Route imaginative revival: “it is Particularly important to the re-discovery of the host house “Zehrgarten” on the marketplace for me personally,” says Ralf Birkner. “It had been a place of Inspiration for the young Beethoven Here, a thinker, a court musician, and students met for free.” And the daughter of the house, the blonde Babette, who is regarded as one of the first beauties of the city, was for the young Beethoven the first “unattainable lover”.

With Beethoven on a hike

If you must leave during the tours by modern Bonn his imagination to play, to let the life world of the young composers before the inner eye to rise, so it is in nature one with young hikers Ludwig. “If you go beyond Bonn, meet Beethoven every step of the way”, said Ralf Birkner.

Eleven stations in the vicinity of Bonn, the Rhein-Sieg-Kreis, lead to castles, where Beethoven as a piano teacher for the nobility played, to monasteries and medicinal water sources, which were targets of his popular wall. The best time to go but Beethoven’s way to the Rhine or the seven mountains, where he wandered as a child with his father. In the lovely and powerful nature of the Rhine valley, you can feel him the most – the mind of the author of the “Pastoral”.

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#Daily Drone: “La Redoute“ In Bonn

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#Daily Drone: “La Redoute“ In Bonn