More than just a little bit of peace


On a weekend of peace: can train a little? It definitely brings important insights.

Peace like Tennis?

Taster Week At The End Of The Peace Training. I signed up and now sitting in the train, thoughtfully: you Can train in peace like Handball or Tennis? And always be better? ,,The work of peace begins with ourselves, it is personality work”, claims later on, Gudrun, the trainer of the week-end. Clearly, I know, I think and wait curious that you explained to us, the first “Exercise of personal conflict behavior”. I am convinced that I will conduct myself Mature and well-considered.

“Press me to the wall!”

Each has picked a partner, approximately the same size. To me Dorothee, a psychologist faces. We smile at each testing. Gudrun explains what we should do, and also makes it equal. Your “opponent” is Robert, in comparison to the small Gudrun a beefy guy. “Robert is now trying to push me to the wall. In doing so, we bend the Arm at chest height and fight forearm against forearm.“ Gudrun holds the stronger Robert in chess. Because you apply a simple Trick you can of the Japanese sports Aikido has inspired you to go a step on Robert, turns on the right leg around its own axis and looks amazing now with Robert in the same direction. The forearms are pressed against each other. Robert is confused, we are Watching it are also. No matter what he does, he Gudrun can not press on the wall. “Bring her the Chance to have a Say in the trend. The law of action goes away from the one who exercises the power to distract you,“ she explains to us. Very convincing. Anyway, from the viewer’s position.

What looked at Gudrun just so easy, does not work with Dorothee and me. We can’t do the step that initiates the rotation. Suddenly I realize: It’s not just because I have mastered the sporty technique. I don’t want to leave my position and to the side of the other contact. “Typical behavior,” says Gudrun. “We think: If I give up my Position, I lost. But to take the other point of view to the knowledge that can help in the Phase of a conflict, in the otherwise the forces collide, for the time being.“ I think I’m still pretty far to be able to be a peace professional. Peace work is personality work? How true!

Jesus gives the forces of the opposition

Reinhard, the other peace coach, wants to empower “the people on three levels: at the level of the skill, so by training; at the level of knowledge, through presentations and discussions, and at the level of Being, namely man in the group, know how to react yourself in conflict, how to practice patience, how to listen, how to collect his forces, and renewed.” The aspect of spirituality as a fixed size in the training program. Reinhard has experienced in the many years of involvement in the work of peace, that the word spirituality is non-denominational and überreligiös accepted, and that each and everyone can contribute in their own spiritual practice. He himself could not do this work without the ecumenically-Christian Background. “I need the reading of the Bible, even today, against the wrong approach. I need the Alternative, and I see in the gospel of Jesus Christ. When I read stories about Jesus, then I feel in me the forces of the opposition against much of what is going on.

With a Cup of coffee, I ask him if this is all tedious work. He says: “peace must grow from below. We are mainly people, for the so-called grass root level. We would be delighted if here and there a Stalk, and wait for it, that a Meadow is.“

Now I’m back in train, peace-motivated. Although I’m not going to go in a crisis region of this world, but a Reed on the field of peace, I can be at home.


About The Author:

Antje Borchers is a graduate media economist and journalist. She runs a communication Agency, media work and press work.