Brexit: Who wants what?


Chess is planning, tactics, and constantly thwarted by someone their own plans. Similar to the Brexit debate in London is currently running. Who is now on the train and how it can go further?

After the vote is before the vote. Last night Boris Johnson to the house of Commons had to be a heavy defeat. When trying to get a hard Brexit avert, by the Opposition and 21 of the Tories against the government. The Tory rebels are now excluded from their group. The result: Today, the parliamentarians will vote on a draft law, which provides for a three-month postponement of the Brexit-date.A precondition would be that there is no new agreement with the EU on the UK’s exit.

What Boris Johnson wants to?

Prime Minister Boris Johnson: The one of his opponents proposed the draft law was “the Raising of the white Flag”.

So that would be the end Of the hard Brexit. But Johnson wants. at the end of October to get out of the EU, whether with or without agreement It is now expected that the vote is today, similar to yesterday. The law against hard Brexit should come through the lower house, wants to apply for the British Prime Minister, early elections.

What will the Opposition?

The leader of the opposition Jeremy Corbyn wants to agree to new elections, when the Anti-No-Deal-law is adopted.

The No-Deal-opponents of the Opposition will do everything to ensure the bill against the hard Brexit through. But there’s still a few stages. The vote is positive today, it moves the template to the upper house. The Brexit-hardline have been announced to the Lords, the adoption by applications and the duration of the talk (to disturb Filibuster). This hurdle is taken, it needs Boris Johnson to present the bill to the Queen for attention, so that it can be quite strong. The Problem: The No-Deal-opponents are powerful under some time pressure. Because in the next week, Johnson ordered the forced break of the Parliament begins.

Who wants elections?

If the house today for the Anti-No-Deal-law, wants Boris Johnson to request new elections. A vote on the request could also land today on the agenda of the Parliament. It will be the third elections for the British would, within four years. The request to get through, it takes Johnson a Two-thirds majority in Parliament. That is, he needs the consent of the Opposition.

The opposition Labour party wants to agree to early elections only under one condition: It had to be a guarantee that it is exit to come during the election campaign to a non-EU. The Labour politician, Shami Chakrabarti told the BBC. It should be also excluded that the Prime Minister umändere a fixed election date later. The sequence of events should be regulated, and a parliamentary majority for new elections to be secured, is Labour’s “body and soul”.