Salman Rushdie sends “Quixote” by Trumps USA


In his latest novel, Salman Rushdie, Trash-TV, the opioid crisis and racism in the United States to a modernized Version of Miguel de Cervantes’ “Don Quijote linked”.

  • An Overview of Salman Rushdie’s work

    “Quixote” (2019)

    Salman Rushdie’s “Quixote” modernise Cervantes’s classic and laid the quest of an aging traveler in today’s USA. He plays with fact and fiction, tells the story of everyday racism and the opioid crisis and drifts at the same time, into the Surreal. The novel is nominated for the prestigious Booker Prize in 2019.

  • An Overview of Salman Rushdie’s work

    “Midnight’s children” (1981)

    Rushdie’s first novel, “Grimus” (1975) little attention was given. But already the second was the British-Indian author to an international literary Star: “midnight’s children” is an allegory for the independence of India. The book was awarded the Booker Prize, and a good 20 years after the first publication of the Indo-canadian Director Deepa Mehta filmed.

  • An Overview of Salman Rushdie’s work

    “The satanic verses” (1988)

    “The satanic verses” changes in the life of the writer fundamentally. Radical Muslims perceived the novel as blasphemy. In 1989, the Iranian head of state Ayatollah Khomeini condemned the author to death. For many years Rushdie lived then in the underground. The so-called Fatwa has not been lifted until today officially.

  • An Overview of Salman Rushdie’s work

    “The ground beneath her feet” (1999)

    Post-colonial culture, and magical realism, Rushdie’s trademark. Other ingredients of his work, with countless references from world events, literature and Pop. From this he shaped so many different works, such as the family Saga “The moor’s last sigh” (1995) or “The ground beneath her feet”, an alternative history of rock music. The rock band U2 used the title later on in a Song.

  • An Overview of Salman Rushdie’s work

    “Luka and the fire of life” (2010)

    Rushdie has also written two children’s books. The fairy tale “Haroun and the sea of stories” (1990) revolves around topics such as censorship and freedom of expression. “Luka and the fire of life” is a Fantasy novel in which a Boy has to his father – a storyteller – save the life.

  • An Overview of Salman Rushdie’s work

    “Joseph Anton” (2012)

    Nine years spent Rushdie in the ground. There he adopted the Pseudonym Joseph Anton – in honor of his favorite writers, Joseph Conrad and Anton Chekhov. In this time, he had his second wife divorced, and two more marriages, both of which broke after a couple of years back. By this stage of life, Rushdie tells in his autobiography, “Joseph Anton”.

  • An Overview of Salman Rushdie’s work

    “Two years, eight months and twenty-eight nights” (2015)

    “Two years, eight months and twenty-eight nights” – the number of days in the title of this book refers to Scheherazades tales of the “thousand and one nights”. Also, Rushdie’s novel offers at least as many stories. In the year of the book publication of the Frankfurt book fair, invited him as main speaker. Because of his participation in the Iran called for a Boycott of the event.

    Author: Elizabeth Grenier (pr, tön)

  • An Overview of Salman Rushdie’s work

    “Quixote” (2019)

    Salman Rushdie’s “Quixote” modernise Cervantes’s classic and laid the quest of an aging traveler in today’s USA. He plays with fact and fiction, tells the story of everyday racism and the opioid crisis and drifts at the same time, into the Surreal. The novel is nominated for the prestigious Booker Prize in 2019.

  • An Overview of Salman Rushdie’s work

    “Midnight’s children” (1981)

    Rushdie’s first novel, “Grimus” (1975) little attention was given. But already the second was the British-Indian author to an international literary Star: “midnight’s children” is an allegory for the independence of India. The book was awarded the Booker Prize, and a good 20 years after the first publication of the Indo-canadian Director Deepa Mehta filmed.

  • An Overview of Salman Rushdie’s work

    “The satanic verses” (1988)

    “The satanic verses” changes in the life of the writer fundamentally. Radical Muslims perceived the novel as blasphemy. In 1989, the Iranian head of state Ayatollah Khomeini condemned the author to death. For many years Rushdie lived then in the underground. The so-called Fatwa has not been lifted until today officially.

  • An Overview of Salman Rushdie’s work

    “The ground beneath her feet” (1999)

    Post-colonial culture, and magical realism, Rushdie’s trademark. Other ingredients of his work, with countless references from world events, literature and Pop. From this he shaped so many different works, such as the family Saga “The moor’s last sigh” (1995) or “The ground beneath her feet”, an alternative history of rock music. The rock band U2 used the title later on in a Song.

  • An Overview of Salman Rushdie’s work

    “Luka and the fire of life” (2010)

    Rushdie has also written two children’s books. The fairy tale “Haroun and the sea of stories” (1990) revolves around topics such as censorship and freedom of expression. “Luka and the fire of life” is a Fantasy novel in which a Boy has to his father – a storyteller – save the life.

  • An Overview of Salman Rushdie’s work

    “Joseph Anton” (2012)

    Nine years spent Rushdie in the ground. There he adopted the Pseudonym Joseph Anton – in honor of his favorite writers, Joseph Conrad and Anton Chekhov. In this time, he had his second wife divorced, and two more marriages, both of which broke after a couple of years back. By this stage of life, Rushdie tells in his autobiography, “Joseph Anton”.

  • An Overview of Salman Rushdie’s work

    “Two years, eight months and twenty-eight nights” (2015)

    “Two years, eight months and twenty-eight nights” – the number of days in the title of this book refers to Scheherazades tales of the “thousand and one nights”. Also, Rushdie’s novel offers at least as many stories. In the year of the book publication of the Frankfurt book fair, invited him as main speaker. Because of his participation in the Iran called for a Boycott of the event.

    Author: Elizabeth Grenier (pr, tön)

Salman Rushdie is known for his works with countless references to classical and contemporary culture. With his three recently published novels, he paid tribute to a classic of world literature: in 2015, appeared to be “Two years, eight months and twenty-eight nights”, a tribute to the Oriental narrative series, “a thousand and one nights”. In 2017, the novel “Golden House”, a reference to the ancient writer Apuleius, and his main work followed in “The Golden ass”, also known as “metamorphoses”, the only ancient Latin novel that remained fully intact.

With his latest work “Quixote,” that now appears to be in the United States, presented to the British-Indian author, a modernized Version of Miguel de Cervantes’ “Don Quixote”, is considered the first novel of the modern era. Rushdie’s history plays, however, not in the Spanish town of La Mancha, but in the of Donald Trump-ruled America to a time in which everything seems possible. The Indian-born Protagonist travels across the country, in search of a former Bollywood actress, he has fallen in love with, and the presenter in the United States, meanwhile, was working successfully as a TV.

The seller and his imaginary son, Sancho, are, in turn, Shape the fictional, dreamed up by a Thriller writer named Sam DuChamp, busy also with his own challenging Midlife crisis problems.

“Quixote”- smart, or self-love?

Rushdie’s “Quixote” is on the Shortlist for the Booker Prize in 2019, has not received in the English-speaking media, however, only positive reviews. A reviewer in the New York Times ruled that Rushdie’s “formula” was getting old. The British newspaper “The Guardian” wrote that while it would be interesting to explore the Blurring of fact and fiction. Rushdie’s “Quixote,” but in love, to restless and even, to be more than a Symptom of the ills that he complain.

For the British “Sunday Times”, however, the novel is one of the “smartest meta-fictional antics of the post-modern”. The American review magazine “Kirkus Reviews” praised Rushdie even in the best of shape and called a “Quixote” as a “beautiful piece of literary Satire”.

The American “Library Journal” recommends “Quixote” as a concise, lyrical Meditation on intolerance, addiction to TV and the opioid crisis with a razor-sharp topicality and Humor on several levels-active. The novel was “extraordinary”.