State elections: coalitions, no one wanted to


Red-Green, Black-Green, Red-Red: These Two covenants were long taboo. According to the AfD’s success in Brandenburg and Saxony, almost the whole of the East will soon have a Three-party governments. A and review.

Joschka Fischer, in Jeans and sneakers in 1985 in Hessen, the first red-green government was formed

Joschka Fischer was often a political pioneer. Long before its time as the first and so far only, German Minister of foreign Affairs of the Greens (1998-2005) he became first Minister to his party on the state level. In December 1985, he took in the state of Hesse as a Junior partner of the social Democrats (SPD), the Department of the environment and energy. The Alliance was, therefore, as a Sensation, because the Greens are opposed to the Expansion of the international airport at Frankfurt were, and therefore fierce battles with the SPD provided.

Many of the protagonists of the first, in 1980, founded the green party had a militant past as a street fighter. Fishermen came from this Milieu. The cultural differences of the state of Hessen, the SPD Prime Minister Holger Börner, a trained concrete specialists, have so can hardly be greater. “Photos with me and the Green at a negotiating table will still be not even see as mounting”, scoffed Börner in the election campaign. And yet, the social Democrat was on the adventure because he had no majority.

The successor to the GDR state party SED in 1998 to Power

For the Christian Democrats (CDU) remained Green for a very long time a red cloth. A party which called in its early Phase, among other things, the exit of Germany from the North Atlantic defense Alliance (NATO), was from a conservative’s perspective, a security risk and thus is more of a case for the protection of the Constitution. Only in 2008, that is, 23 years after the Premiere of Red-Green was formed in the city-state of Hamburg, the first black-green state government. Alliances between the SPD and the Greens had at that time already ten times, were so Routine.

Red-red in Berlin: The ruling SPD mayor Klaus Wowereit (l.) with the PDS politician Gregor Gysi

A very controversial red coalitions were long also red. In the East of Germany, the fear of contact, in 1998, ended, nine years after the end of the GDR dictatorship. In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, the SPD sealed with the party of Democratic socialism (PDS), the Left today, her first Alliance. Thus, the successor of the GDR state party SED came to Power. What felt especially victims of the former Communist regime as a disgrace and scandal.

Still greater indignation was forged, as in 2002, in Berlin the SPD and the PDS, a coalition. In the city, which was divided for 28 years by a wall. Nevertheless, the SPD head of government, Klaus Wowereit tried this taboo-breaking. As a result, the East Berliners had the feeling the first time, to the political education wants to be involved. Because in the case of elections, a crack went through the city – in the West, the SPD-dominated, in the East the PDS.

In Saxony-Anhalt ruled Black-Red-Green since 2016

In the meantime, there are more and more three-covenants, because the German parties, the CDU and SPD are shrinking everywhere. And because no one wants to govern with the Alternative for Germany (AfD), the result is a sudden totally unexpected alliances against the right-wing populists. In Saxony-Anhalt, a black-ruled, therefore, since 2016 is the first red-green coalition. Less out of Affection than out of necessity. In Saxony, it now also runs on this Trio, because the CDU coalitions that excludes only with the AfD and the Left.

Joyless: the black-red-green Anti-AfD coalition in Saxony-Anhalt with the CDU Prime Minister Reiner Haseloff (m.) after successful coalition negotiations with the SPD and the Greens

In Brandenburg, however, it looks like red-Red-Green. A model that was created in 2014 for the first time in Thuringia. Special: Because the Left is where the strongest party, in the Person of Bodo Ramelow for the first time, the Prime Minister. Thuringia was in two respects a first. Meanwhile, green coalitions rule in the city States of Berlin and Bremen red-red, each, however, with social Democrats at the top.

Because of the AfD, the Trend in the East-to-three-alliances

The parties in Brandenburg and Saxony, for three should decide on coalitions, would have five of the six Eastern German States, a government trio. Mecklenburg-Vorpommern would be the only state with a coalition of two parties (SPD and CDU). With the rise of the AfD coalitions that originally no one wanted to incur. In the East the spaces in between Two alliances in a much longer period of time happens in fast motion: It is governments that are believed to be ideological and programmatic reasons, long as the excluded form.

Easier to do because of the so-called “traffic light” coalition of SPD, FDP and the Green party (Red-Yellow-Green). The Premiere was in 1991 in the city-state of Bremen. Other colors-constellation was founded in 2009 for the first time in Saarland: Black-Yellow-Green. The Trio was referred to as the Jamaica coalition, because the flag of the country has the same colors. After the election, it looked for a long time, as Angela Merkel would be the first Jamaican Federal government. However, the FDP backed out at the last Moment. Also in this case, The States are Overcome political walls faster than the Federal government.