Controversial classicist to guide Hungary’s new Academy-research network


Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban has appointed a controversial scientist to head up a new research network that will oversee the Academy of Sciences in the future.

Prime Minister Viktor Orban has appointed Miklós Maróth, a Orientalists and the classical philologists, the head of the new research network of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The innovation Ministry announced on Thursday in Budapest. The 76-Year-old is noticed several times in the past with strangers – and anti-Muslim sentiments, reported the German press Agency.

In 2016, he had stated at a meeting of the Institute for migration research, that Muslim immigrants were not in European societies to integrate, and also the value of order would not accept. “50 percent are illiterate, which is what we need, not your children,” he said.

He added that Muslims come to Europe only to become, thanks to their greater fertility for the majority of the population. About Muslims, which made problems, he said: “I can not recommend anything other than them in pig skins pack”. Perhaps he took the reference to the incidents in India in the middle of the 19th century. Century, had Packed up as British soldiers, insurgents, rebels in front of the Hanging in pig skins to humiliate them.

Controversial reorganisation of the Academy

The appointment is part of a major restructuring of the Academy of Sciences, which is now more tightly controlled politically. With the government majority in the Hungarian national Parliament had adopted the law for the reconstruction of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) at the beginning of July, reported Human Rights Watch. 15 Academy institutes were outsourced from the Academy and a mixed Committee where the government holds the majority.

The Fidesz party of Prime Minister Viktor Orban and politically related parliamentarians to hold the absolute majority in the Parliament. Therefore, there was already, before the vote is little doubt that the members of Parliament will adopt the law proposal.

The Hungarian Minister of Innovation, Laszlo Palkovics says he would like to landscape a “competitive” research.

The long-known plans had triggered protests from researchers and academics at home and abroad.

In Budapest, several thousand people went to the streets to demand the whereabouts of the research Institute in the science Academy.

A Supervisory body for the institutions, and policy research Council

The Changes in the science landscape are to from 1. September to enter into force. The Supervisory body of the institutions – called Eötvös Lóránd research network (ELKH) – should be staffed with 13 people. Each of the six will be seconded from the Academy of Sciences and six from the Ministry of Innovation.

Tip the scales in votes, the leader of the body. Miklós Maróth was jointly determined by the government and by the Minister of Innovation, László Palkovics.

The ELKH could withdraw from the Academy important financial resources. It’s about scholarships for scientists and the funding of research projects.

In addition, the Academy could lose the home by law-guaranteed funding to Finance ongoing costs.

In Parallel, the new law established a “National science policy Council”. This innovation Minister is personally. This body is to advise the government on innovation and research topics.

DW-reporter Lea Albrecht has spoken at the Nobel laureate meeting in Lindau, with the young scientist Daniel Balazs about it:

More about citizens for freedom of Science: science is also on the table

Resistance of academics falls on deaf ears

The Academy of Sciences has spoken out against the change in the law. Academy President László Lovász said in a statement that the Academy “had tirelessly negotiated”, but the government have held on to their Position.

“The Academy is very successful in the operation of your research network,” emphasized Lovász. In contrast, did not make the government”, a strategy which would justify a separation [of the institutes].” He comes to the conclusion that in the future science landscape “was inappropriate for the research community” and the law “on European principles” contrary.

Bad Example: Germany

Minister of innovation, Palkovics, however, that the government wanted to make Hungary by the tag “competitive”. He justified the step with reference to the German research institutions, such as the Leibniz Association and the Max-Planck society, the carry out from his point of view, a similar task as the ELKH.

However, the representatives of German science organisations is quite different. They stressed their independence from politics and signed a letter, under the auspices of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina on Palkovics.

In the Letter, the German research organisations have criticised the bill and show solidarity with the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

More on academic freedom: comment: Be reasonable!

Not a good science location: CEU rector Michael Ingnatieff announces the move to Vienna.

Europe’s politicians: violation of democratic principles

Also, from the policy, a number of critics expressed a word in. Udo Bullmann, Chairman of the social democratic group in the European Parliament, accusing Prime Minister Viktor Orban, he wanted to bring critical scientists to Silence, for example, removing certain controversial areas of research such as Gender Studies. “We are horrified to see that Orban is a big swing to a new blow against the freedom of Science and against the democracy in his country,” said Bullmann. He was “evidently intended to install a pure autocracy in Hungary.”

Since 2017, the Hungarian government has taken steps to limit the freedom of Science. So they limited the work of the American billionaire and philanthropist George Soros-funded Central European University (CEU) solid. They enacted a higher education law that sets conditions for the continued operation of the University, the CEU-line acceptable.

From the autumn of 2019, the CEU will move step-by-step to Vienna and teaching record. Until 2023, the entire University should be moved to Austria.

More: moving to Vienna: Central European University bends Orbán pressure

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