Of Honduras to the Baltic sea


Hundreds of thousands of people from Central America are fleeing every year from Hunger, poverty and violence in their home. Most of them want to be in the United States. However, some are also looking for protection in Germany.

The images were caravans, around the world with thousands of women, men, and children made to walk on the path, to find in the USA for a better life. They flee from their home countries of Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala and Nicaragua from Hunger, poverty and violence. The Migration from Central America into the USA has long since become a mass Exodus, but for the migrants, it is becoming more difficult and dangerous to go to North America. The Mexican government has sent to pressure from the United States, many units of the newly-created national guard to the southern border to Guatemala, the migrants tires already at the time of their entry to Mexico Elevator. Also, the US government has tightened the asylum rules for Central Americans.

Some of them do not escape, therefore, on the dangerous Route to the USA, but in Europe the protection against violence and persecution. The number of asylum applications from Central Americans in the EU has increased tenfold according to Eurostat, in the last four years, more than, even if the absolute Numbers are still at a very low level: Have applied for 2015 only about 900 people from El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua asylum in the EU, were it 2018 already a little more than 10,000. Most of them are eliminated according to Eurostat, Spain, Italy and – with some distance – Sweden. In the case of the German authorities in 2018, after information of the Federal office for Migration and refugees (BAMF), only 65 people from the four Central American countries, an application for asylum, in the first half of 2019, there were 142.

Refuge in Germany

Darwin Sánchez

One of them, Darwin Sanchez is. Together with his wife and 11-year-old daughter of Hondurans from his homeland, and fled, because there is a long prison term threatens. In 2017, the 33 had a busy year together with fellow students in a University building, the national University (UNAH) in Choluteca and demonstrations for more participation of students at the University organized –now to him, because “denial of a public Good,” the process made. “Anyone who calls for his rights, should not be punished for it,” says Sánchez. “We decided as a family to come to Germany, because we believe that Germany respects human rights and the us as a Persecuted will heed.” At the beginning of April Sánchez is traveling with his family to Germany, now he waits in a refugee accommodation in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania on his asylum decision.

This step Dennis Muñoz has already been through. The Honduran human rights activist and opposition parliamentary candidate was forced to leave his homeland in 2017, after his father – a local politician has been murdered. As Muñoz’s brother, began to Investigate the death of the father’s employ, was also killed, he. Just a few months after his arrival in Germany, Muñoz was acknowledged by the German authorities as a political Fugitive. Today, he helps other Honduran migrants in the German asylum law navigate. His specific case is that of the exception, so Muñoz, however, is more likely. Most of the Hondurans inside and Hondurans make it to Germany, would flee to his observation in front of the Pandillas – criminal youth gangs, the whole district in control of, and protection money from the inhabitants of blackmail.

Since the disputed presidential election in November 2017, Honduras came to rest.

Limited opportunities for asylum

However, to apply for because of this threat to asylum in the Federal Republic of Germany, was less promising: “Only a very small percentage of migrants have a realistic chance to get political asylum,” said Muñoz. Nevertheless, many would make an application would be rejected – even though they would normally be entitled to subsidiary protection. So is referred to a right figure, the attacks, according to the BAMF, then, if neither of refugee protection can be made of the entitlement to Asylum granted to the applicants in the home country but may face serious harm.

A few days ago, the Honduras student-activist Darwin Sánchez has received the asylum decision for himself and his family – he was negative. Now he has taken a lawyer to appeal the decision to Lodge an appeal. Dennis Muñoz organized together with other Honduran migrants, a travelling exhibition, with which he wants to inform about the crime, the corruption, the human rights situation and the smuggling of drugs in his home country. Then, he hopes, many Germans would have a better understanding of why he and his compatriots from their homeland fled to seek protection in the Federal Republic of Germany.