Italy builds the fast train to France


A railway line to France, Italy had brought the government to the brink of failure. Now the balance of power in the coalition are resolved, however, and the Larger are.

Italy’s Minister of the interior, Salvini visited in February, the TAV Tunnel in Chiomonte

In Rome has spoken, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte for a controversial rail link between France and Italy. It is more expensive, the high-speed line between Turin and Lyon (TAV) to build, said the party Conte in a Facebook Video. Therefore, they should be completed: “It’s a lot of money on the game.” Thus, the Minister of the interior Matteo Salvini may have against its larger coalition partners enforced.

The Treno Alta Velocita (high speed train) is something of a mistake in the Roman coalition. Since the beginning of the two ruling parties, the Lega Nord and Five star movement argue whether the fast track after years of built is finally finished. While the Lega is clearly for the billion project, because it expects economic growth and job creation, the stars are absolutely against it, and the scourges of the project as a waste of taxpayer money. Conte himself had expressed in March, doubts about the rail project. At that time, the government Alliance would be broken in the dispute almost.

The Junior partner is the stronger

Because with the European elections, the balance of power in the Roman coalition virtually reversed: Salvini’s xenophobic Lega had twice got as many votes as the populist Five star from the Economics and labour Minister Luigi Di Maio. In the parliamentary election in March 2018, it had been the other way around. Prompt Salvini, who had announced his claim to want more than in the past the government policy in Italy to determine.

The 270-kilometre-long railway line for years in the planning and is funded by the EU. A part was also already started the construction work. Particularly controversial, and of citizens ‘ initiatives to combat, is the heart of the new connection, the nearly 58-Kilometer-long Mont-Cenis-base tunnel through the Alps.

Rail chaos through Sabotage?

The mood is so fueled that, but suspected after a fire attack on the main high-speed line between Florence and Rome prompt the TAV opponents. On Monday, hours-long Chaos was in the middle broke out in the holiday season in the railway traffic, as a control box burned down. Thousands of travelers stranded in train stations across the country and didn’t know how it went.

The new line aims to accelerate both intra-European train journeys between Milan, Venice, Barcelona, Lisbon and Paris, as well as the freight traffic on the rails, bring. The total investment of at least € 26 billion to be shouldered to some 40 percent of the EU. The EU Commission repeatedly stressed the importance of the project for Europe. In case of further delays in the EU could be funding withdrawn.

rb/cgn (afp, dpa)