G20: world trade and climate protection more controversial


The Meeting of the major industrial and emerging countries has begun. There is much controversy in the air, especially since the U.S. decision to opt out. The EU wants a uniform and a “fair procedure” for the world. From Osaka Bernd Riegert.

US President Trump (2.v.li.) brought daughter and son-in-law, Japan’s Prime Minister Abe (2.v.re.) smiles

The traffic flows in the city of Osaka, in spite of the blocking of a major highway. It was for the Cars of the G20 motorcades States and 10 foreign delegations reserved moving from the airport and luxury hotels at the summit site in the exhibition centre at the harbour. A total of 30,000 police officers will be on duty to ensure the traffic rules and safety. Protests and demonstrations are hardly to be expected. In Japan, everything is organized perfectly. Posters in the subway calling for prudence and discipline. The police and security forces are bowing politely, wearing white gloves. All images other than in the case of the G20 summits held in Buenos Aires in 2018 or Hamburg in 2017, when it came to large demonstrations and riots.

Reina Nomura: the Osaka shows its diversity

The inhabitants of Osaka, take the barricades and traffic diversions with Serenity, from the actual summit to happen you just get on TV a bit. For Reina Nomura, the summit has only a hook. “The many loud police sirens disturb my Baby during NAP time,” says the young mother at a roadblock in the city centre. “But otherwise, I think it is good that the summit will be held here. This is good for the city.” The same opinion has also Takashi Hatanaka. He works in a Hotel, in the G20 participants are accommodated. “Guests are welcome. Japan can show that it takes responsibility in the world,” says Hatanaka. The cordoned-off streets not to disturb him. “I’m going anyway just for a bike.”

Takashi Hatanka: the G20 summit is good for Japan

Trump holds court

One of the first guests arriving in the Morning in the conference center, the American President Donald Trump, who brought his family to the photo session with the Japanese host, Shinzo Abe. Japanese Prime Minister shakes trump’s daughter Ivanka and his son-in-law and middle East representative Jared Kushner polite hands, although the Protocol officials do not know exactly why the two are on the red carpet. No other heads of state and head of government has when greeting relatives or advisors.

In Japan Trumps a hint cause a stir, he could loosen the defense Pact with the allies, or to terminate, not more should Japan pay or the duties on American Goods reduced. This is just one of the many attacks, the rides Trump, even before the summit of the 20 major industry has begun States and emerging countries, with a first round of discussions on world trade as properly. With German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the US President has already met in the morning for a brief interview. He wanted more spending-defense of the German urge and had criticized in advance that Angela Merkel is doing through the new Nord stream gas pipeline 2 to be dependent on Russia. Most of the time of the bilateral conversation, spent a Trump but, apparently, in order to reflect upon the American election campaign and the opposition Democrats.

A handshake for the cameras: the Trump (re.) and Angela Merkel during bilateral chat

US trade conflict with China

The climax of the summit events will be on Saturday, the Meet up Trumps with the Chinese ruler Xi Jinping. That the two will solve the trade conflict with immense punitive tariffs between their two Nations, do not expect diplomats in the US Administration. It could be agreed a “truce”, to allow further negotiations, reports in the Chinese Newspapers. Donald Trump China is threatening with additional duties of 10 percent on Goods with a value of $ 300 billion. Imports of 200 billion dollars from China are already occupied with a 25 percent punitive tariff in the United States. China has taken appropriate counter-measures.

Also with India, Trump delivers a dispute. The customs duties that India does, more recently, on American Goods, he calls unacceptable. He wants to speak with the Indian Prime Minister, Narendra modi. The United States had introduced tariffs for Indian Goods, however, first. The Indians have just reacted.

Jean-Claude Juncker: EU wants to enforce strong words for climate protection

EU remains committed to free trade

The numerous trade conflicts, but especially the one with China, now damaging the world economy, complained the European Union, which is a member of the G20. EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker warned that a possible agreement between the United States and China should not allow Europe to be disregarded. “We should not let ourselves be ignored,” said Juncker. The EU is the lynchpin of world trade. It has entered into with over 70 countries in free trade agreements, most recently with Canada and the host country, Japan. On Sunday, the next agreement with Vietnam is to be closed, which will in turn criticised by the US Administration. In Brussels, in parallel is a free trade agreement with South American States, which are closed in the Mercosur group. A breakthrough in these long-term negotiations during the G20 summit would send a strong Signal to Osaka, my EU diplomats in the background conversation.

A conversation with the US President about the threat of duties on European cars is not provided according to the EU in the first place. Since a year of negotiations, very little progress was made. US tariffs on European steel have been collected.

Also the G20 summit in Osaka will be strongly determined by the trade conflicts, and the broke Trump from the fence. “No G20 summit is like the other. But since Mr. Trump is the President, you will be the same always,” said EU Commission President Juncker on the question of whether you’ll experience in Osaka the next “Trump Show”. “We need a fair world order”, said the President of the European Council, Donald Tusk, during his press conference with a view to the United States and other nationalist governments, such as Brazil, Russia or China. “The world stage is not an Arena for the Strongest and for nationalists.”

France draws red line on climate

In addition to the trade, especially the climate policy is the most important point of contention in Osaka. The US is trying, in Association with Brazil as soft and non-binding formulations of the climate, to negotiate changes in the final Declaration into it. The French President, Emmanuel Macron, has pulled ahead of the summit, unusually sharp for a red line. Prior to the French citizens in Osaka Macron announced that he would not confirm any of the G20 Declaration of support, the event behind the Text of the last summit, and the Paris-based UN agreement on climate protection. “France doesn’t make it. As simple as that.”, Macron threatened. US President, Trump had pulled out of the climate agreement of Paris, because it is harmful to American economic interests.

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G20: Finance Ministers want new tax model for Internet companies

The populist Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro will also not enter into any commitments to climate protection at the G20 summit. The criticism of Chancellor Merkel, Brazil wood to a lot of the rain forest, and damaging the world’s climate, rejected Bolsenaro. Germany should focus on its coal-fired power generation and its carbon dioxide emissions, said Bolsonaro. The EU will stay in spite of all the internal discussions on the way up to 2050 a carbon-to-organize-neutral economy, announced by European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker. “The EU continues to be a pioneer.”

If some are sub-dealer of the G20, called the Sherpas, on a joint Declaration, is unclear. A long negotiation before night.

EU talks over top posts

No decision will be for the present EU-representative to the vacant top jobs in the EU on the sidelines of the G20 summit. “There will be in Osaka, no white smoke,” said EU Council President, Donald Tusk, in reference to papal elections. Will be looking particularly for a new President of the EU Commission. So far, the European Parliament and governments block EU each other. A day after the G20 summit in Osaka, the leaders of the EU will be sitting on Sunday, once again in Brussels. “We will all have a huge Jetlag”, said an EU Diplomat in anticipation of the return journey through seven time zones.