Murder charge in the Netherlands for MH17


An international team of investigators accused three Russians and a Ukrainian. You will be involved in the Downing of flight MH17 over Eastern Ukraine. Against the separatists-leaders will be negotiated from March 2020.

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Investigation into Downing of MH17

The Dutch prosecutors had informed the members about the progress of the investigation in advance. The joint investigation team composed of experts from the Netherlands, Australia, Malaysia and the Ukraine, released five years after the Downing of the Malaysia Airline flight MH17 over Eastern Ukraine, the first concrete results. It was one of the most spectacular disasters in recent aviation history, in which all 298 passengers were killed, among them 80 children. The message of this day for the survivors was: Now there’s murder brought the charges against the first Suspect, made for shooting down the aircraft responsible. Hans de Borst, whose daughter Elsemiek was killed, speaks of a “first step towards justice”. Also Silene Frederiksz-Hoogzand, whose son Bryce died in the Downing of the flight, saying that it was an important first step. However, at the end of this and possible further procedures, although judgments, but it is likely no one will have to take a penalty.

Members of hope for enlightenment and justice

The medium military level

The chief Prosecutor Fred Westerbeke explained once more exactly the course of the investigation, which led the Team to the point where charges may be levied. The first step was to identify the Russian BUK-gun from the series 9M38, the on 17. July 2013 has been spotted in Eastern Ukraine near the town of Pervomaiskyi. Also, the Transport of anti-aircraft missile from Russian territory and his Return after the shooting down of the aircraft could be reconstructed. We have evaluated thousands of Telecom data and probably the Ukrainian secret service material, as well as the relevant Social Media channels to crawl.

The international Team presents concrete findings

Now the authorities present, four Suspects, against the March of next year, the murder of the proceedings before the court in the Dutch city of Schiphol is expected to start. It is clear that this process needs to be brought against three Russians and a Ukrainian in the absence, after all, both countries do not extradite their nationals to third countries.

Were now called Igor Girkin, a former Russian Colonel, who was acting at the time as commander-in-chief of the fighting in Eastern Ukraine. He was temporarily the Minister of defence of the so-called “Donetsk people’s Republic” and a member of the military intelligence service. He worked together with Sergei Dubinski, formerly a national of the Russian, then of the separatist military intelligence service, and Oleg Pulatow, a member of the special forces. Fourth in the League, the Ukrainian militia commander Leonid Kharchenko is. All together, had participated in military actions on the ground in the relevant time period that are brought in connection with the shooting.

The launch party BUK missile came from the Russian army

“The actions of these Four led to the Downing of MH 17, but they have not pressed themselves on the button (on the gun),” said Westerbeke. Thus, it is clear that you believe in enough to have evidence against the medium-sized military plane in the Hand. The men would not have given the command to shoot down the aircraft directly, but to do with the Transport of the BUK missile in Eastern Ukraine had. The actual command had to have come from a higher level in Russia, it is speculated. But, the Dutch prosecutors emphasize that it’s not enough for a murder charge in 298 cases. Who is associated with the execution of a murder, not the cause, can be indicted, even if he himself was not on site.

Unclear Evidence

What is the evidence against the now featured four of the defendants, however, remains unclear. “In court we can talk about this openly,” explains the chief Prosecutor, which insists on the need for secrecy. In particular, the witnesses might be endangered if their names were Public, and the need to protect so. Nevertheless, the authorities once again appeal to residents of the Region to work together with you to continue the case to educate. There were, however, plays audio recordings of phone calls, which suggest the involvement of the accused in the preparations that led to the shooting down of the aircraft.

He is at the forefront of the investigators and their teams: chief Prosecutor Fred Westerbeke

For some time, it is known that from certain phone – and Social Media contacts about how allegedly Involved share aspects of the shoot. You have filtered these four from a hundred Suspects, with the transfer of the BUK-gun, the 53. Air defence unit would have had to do, explain the investigators. The above-mentioned military were those whose actions had led “to the shooting down of MH17”. However, you do not have any on-site investigations to perform, because the relevant Region of the Eastern Ukraine is still accessible.

Tenacious Investigations

The research platform Bellingcat in turn, believes she was several steps further. They identified eight separatists that were with Sergei Dubinski in contact. The investigators are more careful, because you will need for the law enforcement of other Stakeholders, harder evidence than wire-tapping of telephone conversations, whose authenticity are, in part, verification is difficult to.

A request for extradition to Russia is not made, because it is legally impossible. But there is an international arrest is issued warrant against the accused who as a result lose the opportunity to travel abroad to a large extent. Besides, Ukraine announced that they will try to arrest their fellow man Kharchenko. At the same time, prosecutors appeal to the Russian authorities, to answer questions about the former incidents, and to contribute to this enlightenment. In contrast, a spokesman for the Russian President again criticized the investigation, calling it one-sided. “Russia could not participate”, – said Dmitry Peskov.

Dutch investigators 2014 at the crash site

The Russian news Agency Interfax, Igor Girkin himself commented on the case. “I can only explain that the rebels have not shot down the Boeing”. He and other separatists were involved, the militias have to do with the matter.

The investigations in the five years preceding case are tough to run. This has to do with the fact that Russia cooperates, on-site research. Moreover, the evaluation of the present data is tricky, because there is always the risk of Manipulation exists. Open the two big questions, how far the top of the Russian hierarchy of command was given and who had the Finger on the trigger remain in the past. To circulate the name, but the Dutch state for some time lawyers seem to be missing the evidence.