Drug deal in the children’s room: New Netflix series, plays in Germany


Meanwhile, the third Netflix series comes from German production. “How To Sell Drugs online (almost)” tells the story of two students who become large dealers – a Portrait of the Generation Instagram.

Maximilian Mundt (Moritz, li) and Danilo Kamperidis (Lenni) in the series: “How to Sell Drugs Online (Almost)”

Netflix continues to drug: After the successful TV series “Narcos” , “Ozarks” and “Breaking Bad” has launched the Streaming service with the new series “How to Sell Drugs Online (Almost)” (How to sell on the Internet fast-drug) now, once again, a drug-Dealer series. Far away from the previous locations of the Mexican cartels and Narco-crops, moved to Netflix, the series is now in a fictional German province.

A student wants to escape Moritz the small-town dreariness, and of his own ordinariness as a computer nerd, he still hangs onto his not only the best but also the only buddy Lenni, the dream of a successful Start-ups. The two boys stumble, rather casually, in the network on a rain-Ecstasy-pills – a seemingly brilliant business idea.

Bjarne Mädel as the province of drug dealers in the Netflix series “How to Sell Drugs Online (Almost)”

You open up a Online Shop in the Darknet, it supplies a small-time crook-province-Dealer (excellent Bjarne Mädel), staffed with actors. The digital completely ignorant drug dealer is initially impressed by his young, seemingly business-minded accomplices, drug dealers 2.0.

The story of “Shiny Flakes”

The Plot to Teens, the move from the nursery out to the global drug, while dad and little sister waiting at the bottom of the dinner table, the way prevails in the public also cell phone ban. Laid it on thick, like you would think. But the Inspiration of the series, the true story of the 20-year-old Leipzig “nursery dealer” was.

On the side, “Shiny Flakes”, generated by a young man with global drug sales of millions of sales. In 2015, he and his illegal trading on flew. Allegedly, he had a 51-year-old accomplice. From this constellation, Netflix rolled out the new series “How To Sell Drugs” a generation of paintings.

It is a portrait of the Generation of, for example, The age cohort of between about 2000 and born in 2012, and already in the second Generation of “Digital Natives”. “We are the Generation of unlimited technical possibilities, which carries the entire Knowledge of mankind in your pocket,” says the narrator at the outset, the breaks in the series again and again, the third imaginary wall and out of the scene directly to the audience is applying.

Extremely successfully on the market of the TV series: Netflix

What has made this Generation from their unlimited digital options? The total Chat. To constantly fuck in the serial window of various Chat histories, and so the restlessness of the constant communication, coercion, and the growing ubiquity of Social media.

Is entangled with all sorts of ingredients of the classic High School movies and teen-eve-series. Happens to be the father of Moritz of professional narc. In order for the script writer have indulged in, apparently, aware of a bond in the successful series “Breaking Bad”, in order to keep the new series dramaturgically on the trot

Small town instead of drugs metropolis

Brave of the creators, such as Netflix: The series is not in the international over-the-counter the capital-setting of Berlin is located, but in the small town of Rinseln: A replaceable fictitious zero-eight-five-ten-small-town.

Successful, but controversial: the satirist Jan böhmermann

Was turned in in apparently sufficient provincial Cologne. The metropolis on the Rhine, and in Some districts works in the village, is also the headquarters of the production company “bildundton factory”. Also, the “Neo magazine Royale,” the popular Late-Night Show of satirist Jan böhmermann is responsible for.

Whether you can claim a right klamaukige new series format from the home of the Bohemian man on the global streaming market, it will have to be.

“How to Sell Drugs Online (Almost) since 31. May 2019 on Netflix. So far, four episodes are available.