Steinmeier: We need the democratization of the Digital


“Shifting Powers” is the theme of the twelfth edition of the Global Media forum, DW. And since many of the forces allied against freedom of the press, makes Federal President Steinmeier on the side of the journalists.

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“Keep courage”











Steinmeier: “democracy needs you all”

At the end of his interview with DW Director General Peter Limbourg, German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier was even a little pathetic: “you have the courage to reporting – even about things that are uncomfortable for governments. Democracy needs you,” said from his Berlin headquarters switching Steinmeier, the participants of the 12. The Global Media Forum.

Democracy, freedom of the press and the dangers, the two fundamental values threaten the were terms that fell at the start of the media conference in the former plenary chamber of the German Bundestag and the current Bonn World Conference center more often. Because these two values belong together, was consensus among the discussants – as well as the fact that they are in many places threatened: “the freedom of The press worldwide are under pressure. Also in the European Union, if, for example, Newspapers are bought, to bring them under control.”

Steinmeier: The sound has become harsh

But it is not only the authoritarian politicians or dictatorships that threaten free speech and the free exchange of ideas. Political communication will also be changed due to new technical possibilities – here, Steinmeier explicitly mentioned social media, which are on the rise: “The tone is harsh, sometimes even cruel.” There are no more compromises are possible, “and the changes in the attitudes that Worry me.” Currently, there is a lot of talk about the digitization of democracy, but too little about the democratization of the Digital. If a few platforms to spread the information to many people worldwide, is the not good for democracy.

That the democracy was, however, at least in Europe, very much alive, had shown the Council of Europe. The turnout in Germany was as high as for 25 years, for other young voters have put the issue of climate protection at the centre of your choice.

And in other places there is progress. Steinmeier called here, Uzbekistan and Ethiopia.

Lanier: We messed up!

Little progress, however, Jaron Lanier. The American Internet pioneer, began his Keynote speech with an apology, for “the terrible things, which is the Silicon Valley of. We have screwed up!” The Internet was intended to be a platform for all. “Instead, we created a platform for a few monopolists.”

Jaron Lanier: “Social Media makes us childish, anxious, and angry”

Facebook, Google and co. woman placed under guardianship of the people apparently. The have created the childish, furious and frightening type of communication, determining increasingly the social networks. Not for nothing, Lanier, was honored with the 2014 peace prize of the German book trade, advises his readers and listeners to leave these social networks.

To repair the Internet, is a new business model is necessary. Because the Algorithms of major Internet companies and even the Artificial intelligence – which could lead to unprecedented mass unemployment, all of our data slopes, you should each pay for, the carry its data into the network. Specifically, this would mean Google would have to pay for each search query and Facebook for each entry.

Döpfner: journalism needs the competition

Revenue models are also the Chairman of the Board of Axel Springer, Mathias Döpfner, in the view point. The year-long free culture in the network was a mistake. Currently, the attitude is taking hold, fortunately, among media consumers, that we have to pay for good journalism, too. Digital subscription models are the meadows of this in the future. “Only if we have competition, can journalism thrive.”

The challenge for independent quality journalism Döpfner described the unequal treatment of the media and social platforms. While every small local newspaper would have to clear the distinction between advertising and journalistic content, as well as legally for the accuracy of the content provided responsible, don’t give it to the in the case of Facebook and co. This is not fair. While the trust in the contents of the base for each of the media companies, widespread falsehoods in the social platforms on a daily basis. And this is dangerous for the democracy.

The of Facebook Director of media part schner communities in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, Jesper Doub’t want to leave, however, to sit up. Although he stressed the Credo of Mark Zuckerberg’s that Facebook is just a platform for content other. Nevertheless, the country is striving against the flood of Fake News and hate-Posts to proceed. So you delete every day a Million Fake Accounts.

In addition, the algorithm will deliver just what I wanted to read people or see. Jaron Lanier was it in his Keynote, but sorry, on such a line of reasoning to let in. Because, for him, is clearly Behind every algorithm, and behind every Artificial intelligence on people.