Rezo against the CDU: youth researchers in the network


A Youtuber is attacking the CDU, his Video is clicked millions of times. What is the reaction of Merkel’s party? She hesitates, turns a video and not released it. The digital Generation brings the CDU in distress?

Who the European election is already interested in? The television duels, and special programmes achieved in the German television, only about two million viewers, less than half as much as the news broadcasts in front of it. Despite top candidate, colorful Studio backdrops and elaborate films.

No interest to politics in campaign times? But. This proves that “The destruction of the CDU”, a Video of the 26-year-old computer scientist, musician and Youtubers who calls himself Rezo. More than five million of its settlement with Angela Merkel’s party, its climate, education, Foreign, actually, your whole policy has been clicked, since the publication of last Saturday.

Ey, War Crimes, Diggi!

A young man sits in front of his computer, talking to as many young people talk – “ey Diggi” instead of “dear user” and “wusa, wusa” instead of “relax”. He shows facts, quotes and statistics from the Internet. Rezo is coming to a head, skin, there, where it hurts. In the reign of the CDU, the gap between Poor and rich went further and further apart, he says. The CDU is not doing enough against climate change. And you are not against the war crimes of the USA. So Rezo is of the essence, yet not as a political activist known, the CDU argumentative to the wall. “Destroy” is called something like that on Youtube.

“So first, I think it’s good when young people more interested in politics, and this Video certainly makes a contribution,” says the CDU member of the Bundestag and digital expert Thomas Jarzombek in an interview with DW. Good Mine at the bad Video? As one of few within his party Jarzombek has signaled, at least early in the willingness to dialogue with Rezo.

Constituency-hopper without a Youtube channel

“What we find good about it is that it is very one-sided and only the CDU is treated,” says Jarzombek on. “You can be a number of things that will be shown quite a different opinion.” Jarzombek admits that his party has some catching up to do when it comes to reaching young people with New media.

“The learning many in our party, that such contributions are very wide ranges, in part, greater than a classic news formats, such as the issues of the day.” Therefore, the need to set new priorities, says Jarzombek. “I see a lot of members who are on weekend diligent on-the-go and from a constituency appointment to the next hop. Since you are talking with a few people, while at the same time the Internet is still a very, very large target group, we must record, however, is much stronger than has been the case.”

In Konrad Adenauer house, Headquarters of the CDU in Berlin, you have been waiting for an official answer to Rezos Video days. On Wednesday, the CDU had accused General Secretary Paul Ziemiak Rezo then in Interviews, a “mixing of pseudo-facts”. Party boss Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer said: “I have asked myself, why we are actually also responsible for the seven Plagues there were in Egypt.”

Video for ton

At the same time you worked for the CDU in a Video-answer, which should be the same in style and presentation Rezos Video. The youngest member of the Bundestag for the CDU, Philipp Amthor was, 26 years old, a day in front of cameras on the allegations of Youtubers react. “Class” was Amthor of the Clip, which was filmed in the Scenes of a chemistry lab. The were around for a choice spot, the CDU had just published.

How to respond to Rezo? Paul Ziemiak and Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer have long hesitated to

However, the CDU leadership decided not to publish the answer Video yet. You’ve decided to give any “hasty response”, but “to seek the political debate with different arguments, analyses and conclusions,” wrote Secretary-General Ziemiak on Thursday in an open letter to Rezo.

Escalation or discourse?

An open letter so instead of a video. The CDU have “the courage and commitment to complex questions are also well thought-out, and to give adequate answers,” writes Ziemiak, and invites the Youtuber via Twitter to the conversation. A PR Disaster, just three days before the European election? Not necessarily, says Uwe Jun, expert for political communication and Professor at the University of Trier. “I am sceptical as to whether you should actually reply in the same style,” said Jun in an interview with DW.

Youtube instead of regulars? The CDU tried to show in the New media flag

“Certain groups can be reached better if you formulated to a head and if you position yourself clear,” says Jun. “However, one should consider always arguments and Pro and Contra. The political culture of lives in our country.” It was a difficult task for communicators, so Jun. “I recognize that the parties struggle to both of these requirements. You don’t get as much attention as those who position themselves in a very one-sided.”

Already in the conflict to the copyright, the CDU was especially strong in the Defensive, while the political powers of activists on Youtube and Twitter mood against the party. At least one has reached the slugfest between Rezo and the CDU, however: Shortly before the European elections, young voters discuss in Germany are passionate about politics.