Software error in the Boeing flight simulator


Not only in the plane of the type 737 MAX, the US aircraft manufacturer has to struggle with the disastrous software problems. Also in the flight simulator could not count on pilots always on your workout program.

Our archive picture shows a Boeing 737 flight simulator older models

The US aircraft manufacturer Boeing has conceded error in the case of flight simulation software for its machines of the type 737 MAX. You’ve corrected the program in the meantime and the pilots informed accordingly, said in Chicago. In order to ensure that the flight simulation “was not representative for various flight conditions”.

On Friday “the New York Times had reported on the” first of the further software problems. Therefore, Boeing had recently discovered that the simulators that the airlines train their pilots, could not mimic adequately the conditions of the crash played in the 737 MAX-a role. In the case of the accidents in October in Indonesia, and in March in Ethiopia, 346 people were killed. In the result of a world-wide flight ban was placed on these aircraft.

The 737 MAX will remain on the ground

In both crashes, the specifically for the Boeing 737 MAX developed stabilization system MCAS (Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System) is suspected to have a devastating role played. It pushes in the case of an impending flow, the nose of the aircraft demolition down automatically, even if the pilots are against taxes.

On Thursday, Boeing announced a Software Update for machines of the type 737 MAX to be completed. A total of 207 flights with a total duration had been flown 360 hours with the updated stabilization system MCAS. Before the 737 MAX, however, can take the flight operation, must decide the US-aviation authority FAA about it.

rb/ust (afp, dpa, rtr)