Alcohol consumption in Asia is increasing


More income, more alcohol? While in Germany the consumption of alcohol remained at a high level, the handle to the bottle in the emerging countries. India and Vietnam have the highest growth rates.

It was many years ago, because it was in German Newspapers, an advertisement for a local wine. To see a over was a big man with a suspiciously red-veined nose, was happy with a glass of red wine in Hand. Including: “winemakers do not have varicose veins”.

May be that regular, but moderate enjoyment of a glass of wine by bleeding is promoting. But it is also true that, according to the world health organization (WHO) in the world every 20. In case of death is directly or indirectly attributable to alcohol consumption.

Three Million Deaths

The WHO wants to reduce the global consumption of alcohol by 2018 by 2025 by ten percent. A goal of the UN Organisation needs to adopt. Because according to a on Wednesday published an international study under the leadership of the TU Dresden, the Trend is in the opposite direction: by 2030, the Per capita increase in alcohol consumption, from the current level of 6.5 to 7.6 litres of pure alcohol in a year.

For the study, the research Team analysed data on the consumption of alcohol by people under the age of 15 to 99 years, from 189 countries. From the results, which were published in the medical journal “The Lancet”, led the scientists predictions for the year 2030.

Thereafter, the volume of alcohol consumed increased worldwide since 1990 to 70 percent. Consumer habits, however, differ regionally very different. While in wealthy countries the Per head consumption is stable, it in emerging countries. The lowest consumption by 2017 in North African countries, as well as in the Middle East, most in Central and Eastern Europe.

In Germany, the consumption decreases according to the study, even slightly. However, there is no reason for complacency, because the drinking culture remains in this country at a high level: a year at least twelve litres of pure alcohol, Germany is one of the highest rates of alcohol consumption.

More income, more per thousand

“Alcohol consumption is common worldwide, but with clear regional Differences, which can largely be Religion, political guidelines for alcohol consumption and economic growth is attributed to”, says Jakob Manthey, psychologist at the TU Dresden and the first author of the study. “The growing alcohol sales in middle-income countries will outstrip the estimates suggest that the decline in consumption in high-income countries, resulting in an overall global increase,” – said in a study published communication.

Still, Europe is at a Per capita consumption of 9.8 litres of alcohol a leader, but in the model calculations of the study, the Asian countries will catch up to the old continent and overtake. India and Vietnam are among the countries with the highest rates of growth, and also in Southeast Asia and China, the drinking alters behavior. According to the study, the economic growth in India and China contributed to the alcohol consumption doubled between 1990 and 2017.

The prognosis of the study, however, is not shared by researchers. In a commentary in The Lancet, is looking for ways physicians Sarah Callinan of the Australian La Trobe University and Michael Livingston from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, then, that there is no exact forecasts to alcohol consumption and economy growth are taken.

Higher taxes on alcohol?

Higher taxation of alcohol, advertising bans and restricted sales to youth – the Dresden researchers not only in Germany but also in emerging countries, a prevention strategy is necessary. In Germany are already achieved successes.

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Europeans drink a lot

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Study: Europeans drink too much

According to a study published on Wednesday by the Federal centre for health education, only 8.7 per cent of young people drink between twelve to 17 years of age once a week alcohol. In 2004, this figure was 21.2 percent.

Thus, the consumption of beer or spirits has reached in this age group to a historically low level. The all clear does not want to give the top German drug Commissioner Marlene Mortler. Mortler: “alcohol is a popular drug number one.”