Sexual abuse in sports is to be reconditioned


The Commission for the reappraisal of child sexual abuse focuses on the Sport. The reason is that there are many taboos and create favorable conditions for offenders, Victims of add. According to the case numbers.

In Germany, is now also to be worked up of sexual abuse in sports in a systematic way. Children, young people and adults, who were abused in sports miss, are called by the Commission for the reappraisal of child sexual abuse to report. In the past three years, the reclamation Commission received 1,700 reports of Affected. The opportunity to talk with people that believe them, be Affected quite Central, signposted Andresen their impressions of the hearings. So far, the Commission has examined the sexual abuse in the family environment, in the Church and in the GDR.

The Sport is particularly taboo, writes the Commission, in a Monday in Berlin published Writing. There is a lack of Knowledge of what conditions and structures in the past, probably the large number of abuse allows, and would have been favored.

Andresen: “Must be of large dimensions”

Johannes-Wilhelm Rörig, abuse, officer of the Federal government, had convened the work-up Commission. You should uncover the structures, the abuse. According to the Commission, the Chairman of Sabine Andresen showed the reports of the victims, had reported previously from this area that an independent workup was necessary. The panel makes it possible for the Victims, the Wide leisure, or sports performance have suffered sexual violence, to talk in a confidential setting.

Sabine Andresen (R), the Chairman of the Commission for the processing of sexual abuse

On Sunday evening Andresen declared in an interview with Germany radio, of sexual abuse in the context of the sport could have similar dimensions as the one in the Church: “I think we have to assume a large Dimension, and we must look therefore to the System. Referring to the fact that it was only individual cases, is to try to hide. And that is what I call irresponsible behavior.”

Every Third

In Sport a number of opportunities for offenders would their sexual Assaults to run – for example, through physical proximity for assistance. There are research results indicating that “approximately every third athlete, every third Athlete, experiences with sexual violence”. In the Germany radio of a woman who had been abused 30 years ago as a child by the caretakers of a football team miss expressed. Most recently, the abuse scandal in the US had caused the turn Association to the sports doctor Larry Nassar headlines around the world.

asz/jst (kna, afp)